Affirmations For Living, October 8, 2014
Have you ever found yourself doing something you never imagined you’d be doing? Something you could never have foreseen in your wildest imagination? That’s how Robert Kopecky felt writing this book about things no one wants to talk about, inspired by experiences he never dreamed of having.
Robert Kopecky has had not one, but three near-death experiences. How to Survive Life (and Death) is grounded in these different experiences. This meaningful and unexpectedly fun “how-to” book is a curative, educational, and serious look at what to expect from death and how best to live in preparation for it – whether death is tomorrow or forty years from tomorrow.
Kopecky’s goal is to put our mortality in perspective, deflate the inevitable fears, and supply lots of useful material for life-improvement. How to Survive Life (and Death) is written by someone who's been there, with a sensibility designed to disarm the doubter, and to evoke a comfortable understanding of an awkward subject; he includes a wide range of topics like life, love, happiness, fear, death, consciousness, cosmology, karma, animals, angels, ghosts, media, and a good deal more. His three key ingredients to living a spectacularly happy life are: Radical Kindness, Radical Forgiveness, and Radical Surrender.
Affirmations For Living

Each week you’re invited to join in on our upbeat discussion as we look deeper into spiritual based principles that can change your life. For it’s your birthright to live with passion and purpose, and to prosper! If you want to learn how to connect to your true authentic-self, and become aware of your Higher-Self, then this is the right place for you!
We have reached the dawning of a new day. What does life look like for you? Do you have the vision to create powerful moments each day in your life? Are you ready to stand up and be the change that you’ve been waiting for? Are you ready to go within, deep within to those places you’ve been hiding from? We will share the tools that will support the manifestation of your dreams and desires!