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Dr. Wayne Pernell
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Companies are Moving from Great Resignation to Great Retention: How to Motivate Remote Workers By Building A Culture Worth Staying For, Interview with Leadership Expert and Ph.D.

According to the 2021 People Management Report, 48% of employees have thought about quitting in the past 12 months. Companies are trying to avoid falling prey to The Great Resignation by morphing it into The Great Retention. One way companies are striving to keep employees is by offering more flexibility either through job sharing (two part-time employees doing a full-time job) or allowing employees to continue remote work. A recent survey suggested that over 60% of remote workers view working from home as a positive experience. Yet as with most good things there are downsides as well. A separate study listed the following struggles that remote workers find themselves facing including:

-Saying they are unable to separate work life from personal life

-Battling loneliness 

-Struggling with communication between colleagues

-Not understanding workplace culture

-Working longer hours and feeling undervalued

Dr. Wayne Pernell, a leadership expert with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology devotes his career to helping leaders achieve not only personal success, but to motivate those they lead as well. A good leader is nothing without the support of those they influence. He says that “It is more important than ever for leaders to recognize why people lose motivation and how leaders can get them re-engaged.” While a remote position may offer the flexibility many employees crave it can cause fear of missing out on opportunities for promotion, collaboration, workplace politics, and even workplace fun.

“Dr. P” was just named one of The Top Motivational Speakers To Follow in 2022 In an interview Dr. Pernell can share the following tips to help ensure equal engagement for remote and in-office employees:

-Equity: All means all. It can be easy for people who are out of sight to be out of mind as well. Remote workers must be included in group communication. This solidifies them as important members of the team regardless of where their work is being done.

-Equal Consideration: When positions open and employees are considered for promotion, leaders must ensure equal consideration is given to both in-office and remote workers. Consideration should be based on a variety of factors, not just location. 

-Inclusive Social Events: Team-building events and opportunities should include a variety of in-person and virtual options. Plan get-togethers - annually, semi-annually, or quarterly. Build travel and lodging back into your budget so as to be fully inclusive.

-Encourage Equally: Take time each week to publicly acknowledge people's achievements within the organization. Recognition is important for morale.

-Balance autonomy with attention: Giving employees the freedom to work on projects on their own time and that fuel their own interests is a great way to keep up morale. Balance this with checking in to ensure that employees have what they need to complete their tasks and assign specific tasks with intention. Telling someone why you chose them for a specific task gives them a sense of ownership.

-Values-Based Vision: Let your employees know what your company stands for and ensure that these values are put into action daily. Being part of something bigger than themselves helps give people a reason to stay.

If you are interested in hearing more please let me know, as I am happy to coordinate. More about Dr. Pernell can be seen in his bio below. 



-KT Media Strategies


“Dr. P” was named one of The Top Motivational Speakers To Follow in 2022, is a member of the Forbes Business Council and has appeared on KTLA, KPIX, KRON, KCTV, KGET, KMIR, NPR and has been quoted in the New York Times, FastCompany, MSN Money, Forbes and published in Entrepreneur magazine. He is known as the exponential success coach and seasoned leadership advisor. He is a #1 international best selling author and a noted relationship expert, as well as an international speaker. He also holds a PhD in clinical psychology. His website has resources related to his weekly podcast, blog, books, online courses, and free downloads (like his PowerfulPresenceMasterclass), in addition to information on his signature retreats and 1:1 advising. Please visit for more.

United States
Author of Dynamic Transitions