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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

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Shamans Keep Guest, Jyoti February 01, 2013
Spiritual Counselor, 13 Indigenous Grandmothers Embassador, Healer

In 2004, I prayed for a vision that my highest service would be offered in the years ahead. What I received was something I could not have imagined: Spirit told me that I would be entrusted to bring together some of "her most precious jewels" into a single basket.

Those jewels are the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers – a council of elders from around the world that came together with great beauty and remarkable synchronicities. Through connecting with these elders, I discovered that this Council had been the subject of many ancient prophecies, all of which agree that they are to play a prominent role in global healing at this time.

For the last years, we have traveled to each others’ homelands for collective rituals that are committed to healing work, as well as to visit with leaders such as the Dalai Lama. Everywhere we have gone, profound, magical, amazing transformations have happened.

I have become clear that this circle is divinely guided, that the lineages they offer are a key for collective transformation and that they are giving us a profound medicine for our times. That’s why I have committed my entire life to advancing their work.

When we did our first virtual Grandmothers Solstice call with The Shift Network, 20,000 people responded from around the world – a remarkable outpouring of love, prayer and blessing. Now, we are working to bring more of their wisdom to people who cannot travel to a live circle and who want to go deeper than a book or DVD.

That’s why all the Grandmothers are excited by this virtual gathering, which offers them a way to share their wisdom and support our collective work, so that together we can all contribute to the healing and growth for our planet.

I cannot promise you exactly what you will learn or what they will teach. So often, their guidance is immediate, spontaneous, and in the moment. So the "curriculum" will be looser than you might expect for a virtual offering.

But what I’ve seen is that the spontaneous healings that come from entering into a space of reverence and prayer together are life-changing and well worth it.

I thus invite you join us in this virtual circle where we will share wisdom and deepen our journey together. Mother Earth is crying out for healing and together we can create some powerful openings for a renewed world.

I hope you can join us!

Ambassador of The 13 Indigenous Grandmothers

Shamans Keep Guest, Olga Karitidi January 25, 2013
Siberian Wisdom Conveyor, Psychiatrist, Researcher, Traveler, Author, Cliffhouse Publications Founder

Olga Yahontova (aka - Olga Kharitidi) was born in Siberia, in the former Soviet Union. She has traveled extensively throughout Siberia, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan, following the ancient wisdom that spread from Siberia to Central Asia, Tibet, and the Himalayas. She is now in the United States, conveying her knowledge of Siberian wisdom and continuing her path of exploration and discovery.

BOOK: Master of Lucid Dreams

Why don’t people heal? Why do they stay wounded--some even driven to suicide by their pain-despite the best that organic and psychological medicine can offer? To find the answers, Russian--born psychiatrist Olga Yahontova (aka - Olga Kharitidi) traveled to exotic Samarkand, a major cultural and spiritual crossroads, and ancient capital of Uzbekistan, in the heart of Central Asia.

BOOK: Entering the Circle

Olga Yahontova’s (aka - Olga Kharitidi) debut book is a remarkable account of her spiritual adventure in snowbound Siberia. Joining an ailing friend on a spontaneous trip to the Atai Mountains, Dr. Yahontova is taken into apprenticeship by a native Shaman who guides her through bizarre, magical, and often terrifying experiences that open her eyes to a wellspring of deeper learning. On the road to Belovedia, a fabled civilization of highly evolved beings, she encounters revolutionary mystical teachings while discovering ancient secrets of magic and healing. At once a modern odyssey and a timeless dreamscape, Entering the Circle is an inspiring story of personal growth and an insightful work about the limitless potential of human spirit.

Shamans Keep Guest, Marlise Wabun Wind January 18, 2013
Author, Jounalist, Cross Cultural Healer, Regenerative Healing Researcher, Lecturer, Novelist

Marlise Wabun Wind, M.S., is the author of ten non-fiction books, with over two million copies in print worldwide in many languages. She holds a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University and a bachelor’s degree in international communications from George Washington University. She is a lifelong student of cross-cultural healing, complementary and holistic medicine, and wellness. One of her books is about integrative healing, and several others are about cross-cultural healing techniques, comparative philosophies, religions and spirituality.

Ms. Wind was searching for an alternative to the surgical treatments for an arthritic ankle when she was referred to Dr. Shiple, and it was through him that she learned about RIT and underwent successful treatment. Her enthusiasm over the results of her experience led her to collaborate with Dr. Shiple on Regenerative Healing For Life.

Because of her own knowledge of the physical limitations of other illnesses, and pain, Ms. Wind has become an advocate for RIT and related non-invasive treatments. She has lectured widely on topics related to integrative healing, complementary and holistic medicine, and wellness.

She is currently working on several other projects, including a novel and a spiritual adventure memoir, as well as four other non-fiction titles concerning ceremony and celebrations, relationships, parenting healthy children, and “mother sense.”

Shamans Keep Guest, Marlise Wabun Wind December 21, 2012
Author, Jounalist, Cross Cultural Healer, Regenerative Healing Researcher, Lecturer, Novelist

Marlise Wabun Wind, M.S., is the author of ten non-fiction books, with over two million copies in print worldwide in many languages. She holds a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University and a bachelor’s degree in international communications from George Washington University. She is a lifelong student of cross-cultural healing, complementary and holistic medicine, and wellness. One of her books is about integrative healing, and several others are about cross-cultural healing techniques, comparative philosophies, religions and spirituality.

Ms. Wind was searching for an alternative to the surgical treatments for an arthritic ankle when she was referred to Dr. Shiple, and it was through him that she learned about RIT and underwent successful treatment. Her enthusiasm over the results of her experience led her to collaborate with Dr. Shiple on Regenerative Healing For Life.

Because of her own knowledge of the physical limitations of other illnesses, and pain, Ms. Wind has become an advocate for RIT and related non-invasive treatments. She has lectured widely on topics related to integrative healing, complementary and holistic medicine, and wellness.

She is currently working on several other projects, including a novel and a spiritual adventure memoir, as well as four other non-fiction titles concerning ceremony and celebrations, relationships, parenting healthy children, and “mother sense.”

Shamans Keep Guest, Malidoma Some January 11, 2013
West African Elder, Author, Teacher, Village Representative, Ancient Wisdom Teacher, Visionary, Keynote Speaker, Workshop Leader, Retreat Facilitator, Trainer

Malidoma Patrice Some´ Phd., West African Elder, author and teacher, as representative of his village in Burkina Faso, West Africa, has come to the west to share the ancient wisdom and practices which have supported his people for thousands of years.

It is possible that we have been brought together at this time because we have profound truths to teach each other. Toward that end, I offer the wisdom of the African ancestors so that Westerners might find the deep healing they seek.

The spark of this ancestral flame, which I have brought to the land of the stranger, is now burning brightly. Increasingly, I have been and will be encouraging westerners to embody these traditions as a testimony to the indigenous capacity to assert itself with dignity in the face of modernity. In this way the ancestors will know that this medicine has found a true home- that it is more than an honored guest.

At this critical time in history, the earth’s people are awakening to a deep need for global healing. African wisdom, so long held secret, is being called on to provide tools to enable us to move into a more peaceful and empowered way of being, both within ourselves, and within our communities. The indigenous spirit in each of us is calling for cleansing and reconciliation. The ancestors are responding. – Malidoma

These programs detailed here are some of those most often requested when Malidoma’s teaching and facilitation are invited into a community. Malidoma’s indigenous wisdom is equally applicable to individuals, families, communities and corporate organizations, and we look forward to opportunities for collaborative enterprises committed to manifesting the visions that the spirit world is calling forth. If you are considering inviting Malidoma to be a keynote speaker, workshop leader, retreat facilitator and/or trainer, please contact the office for further information and support.