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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 17 May 2021

Making A Difference with Melissa Clark

Making A Difference with Melissa Clark
Show Host:
Melissa Clark

Introducing ‘Making a Difference’ with Melissa Clark, a new show that shares the compelling stories and voices of well known AND everyday people who change the world in big and small ways. Enjoy our guests, call in, or just listen to be inspired.

Please join us every Saturday 2pm EST with our special guests or listen to our recast

Join me in exploring ‘making a difference’…an open conversation and live dialogue with guests, and you our listeners , who have experienced—and embraced—both the demands and benefits of positive change. The stories are real, the people authentic and the outcomes memorable. We can all find a way to make a difference! We invite you to hear, participate, and share in the journey.

As the poet David Whyte wrote: Sometimes everything has to be inscribed across the heavens so you can find the one line already written inside you. 

Making a Difference with Melissa Clark.

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

Making A Difference , May 30, 2020 with Melissa Clark and guests Jonathan Scinto and Amanda Mancini
Making A Difference , May 23, 2020 with Melissa Clark and guest Ben Pappas
Making A Difference , May 16, 2020 with Melissa Clark and guests Dr. Carolyn Whitney and Dr. Farrokh Shafaie
Making A Difference , May 9, 2020 with Melissa Clark and guests Alex Shumaker and Ami Dolenz
Making A Difference , May 2, 2020 with Melissa Clark and guest Carissa Kranz
Making A Difference , April 18, 2020 with Melissa Clark and guests Paul Ferns and Chantell Brian
Making A Difference , April 11, 2020 with Melissa Clark and guests Monsignor John, Chantell Brian, Dr Jeffrey Marc, Nick Savva
Making A Difference , April 4, 2020 with Melissa Clark and guests Father John, Katrina Cousineau, Jenny B. and Barry the Photographer
Making A Difference , March 28, 2020 with Melissa Clark and guest Frankie Cutlass and friends
Making A Difference , March 21, 2020 with Melissa Clark and guests
Making A Difference , March 14, 2020 with Melissa Clark and guests
Making A Difference , March 7, 2020 with Melissa Clark and guests
Making A Difference , February 29, 2020 with Melissa Clark and guests Larry Romano and Michael Pipinsky
Making A Difference , February 22, 2020 with Melissa Clark and guests Alexa Curtis and then LadyJames

Featured Guests


Guest, Ami Dolenz May 09, 2020
Guest, Alex Shumaker May 09, 2020
Guest, Carissa Kranz May 01, 2020
Guest, Frankie Cutlass March 28, 2020
Guest, Susan Holland March 14, 2020
Guest, Sabrina Coleman March 14, 2020
Guest, Michael Musto March 07, 2020
Guest, Lori Zelenko March 07, 2020
Guest, Alexa Curtis February 22, 2020
Guest, LadyJames February 22, 2020
Melissa Clark
Other Websites:
Creative Director, Columnist, Editor and Talk Show Host

Melissa is a freelance writer for Kings County Politics and the Canarsie Courier – Features Editor for Metropolitan Magazine, Creative Director for Preferred Health Magazine, and a lead booker for Dr. Robi Ludwig, a syndicated Psychotherapist.

Prior to turning into an author, she was on her way to seek after a vocation in law enforcement, yet life proceeded on a different route. As a native New Yorker, Melissa knows the rushing about of daily existence yet practices how to balance spirituality and the abundance of joy with assistance along the way.