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A Night At The Roundtable

A Night At The Roundtable with Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Tara Green & Rama Arjuna, and Micah Green
A Night At The Roundtable

A Night at the Roundtable - Thursdays at 6 PM Pacific / 9 PM Eastern on Station 2, with co-hosts Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Rama Arjuna & Tara Green, and Micah Green

Welcome to A Night at the Roundtable, where we explore ways to expand into fifth dimensional life, finding new pathways to healing and ascending for ourselves and our planet.

In this open forum for creative, Light-filled ideas, our guests offer a broad range of breakthrough discoveries and insights, to support our living as free and sovereign beings who take responsibility for our lives, our health, and our spirituality. 

After a brief opening meditation, we offer energy updates from our co-hosts: psychic medium Omena McGee, energy healer Randy Miller, channeler/intuitive and author Caroline Oceana Ryan, and Micah Green the Green Alchemist.

We then move on to the latest “Galactic Good News” report from our Faction Three White Knights, Rama Arjuna and his beloved Tara Green, followed by a one-hour interview with our guest for the week, or a co-host discussion on current topics.

Our guests are healers, writers, ET experiencers, scientists, inventors, energy workers, Akashic records readers, and other amazing New Earth builders. 

Call in to Station 2 with questions for our guests or co-hosts. 

Join us as we explore new realms!

DISCLAIMER: The information, discussion, and commentary offered on A Night at the Roundtable is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional legal advice or medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We are not, nor do we claim to be, medical professionals. All of our interviews and commentary regarding health and medical issues are intended purely to be a springboard from which our listeners will be encouraged to do their own research. We encourage our listeners to speak with qualified health practitioners, particularly holistic ones, who are fully qualified in areas of medicine. No one speaking on A Night at the Roundtable shows offers or recommends professional medical advice, diagnosis, or prescriptive remedies or antidotes, and our comments and discussion should not be construed as such.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
8:00 pm CT
9:55 pm CT
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Broadcasting Date

Guest, Roberto Johnny

Guest Name
Roberto Johnny
Guest Occupation
Natural Health Practitioner and Instructor, Orgone Energy Expert, Copper Artist
Guest Biography

The world is ours to make anyway we see fit. If one Man or Woman has the power to change the world, think about how powerful collective souls are when working in concert towards a worthy goal of eternal peace and harmony.

Today, human thought is looked upon as an "infection" throughout the universe, as it reverberates fear and anger throughout.

It's easy to change your "reality" if one chooses. But one thing you have to remember about choice and "free will". If all your choices are being provided for you, you're being directed (controlled). If your free will is "clouded" by your memory bank of the "past" then even your freewill is controlled.

You can empty your mind and go back to "void" (Buddha), "blank" (Shakespeare), "purity of thought (Jesus).

Ask and it is given, but when you ask, ask as if it has already been given, and it will be yours.

In peace.


BIOGRAPHY:  Roberto Johnny began life remembering everything from the moment he was ejected from his mother. At the age of 3, Roberto was ready and almost left (ran away from) home. But, let's face it, after seeing the long path ahead of him, he knew the time wasn't right, so he returned.

From the beginning, Roberto Johnny knew there was something "wrong" with this world. At the age of Zero, he witnessed firsthand how worried, scared, angry his mother was and didn't understand why. Over the decades, glimpses of "truth" presented themselves to Robert along the way, giving him hope that, someday, he'd find the answers he knew were out there, waiting for him, and he did!

Roberto Johnny never excelled in school. He was bored there. He knew everything they were teaching and school for Roberto Johnny was 12 years of "recess" basically. In and out of "trouble" during his younger years, Roberto learned a lot about the world and the control structure that was built up to enslave the masses.

This, of course, angered Roberto Johnny and he rebelled at a young age. Eventually, however, Roberto Johnny "grew up" and realized fighting only makes things worse, and he learned how to LOVE everyone and everything.

Today, Roberto Johnny truly believes that LOVE is the KEY that sets your Soul FREE. And when you're free on the Spiritual Realm, you're free everywhere, mind, body, spirit.