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Every Day is a New Day

Every Day is a New Day with Kim O'Neill
Show Host
Kim O'Neill

Every Day is a New Day with Kim O'Neill

Every day we get another opportunity to start over, try again and choose something different. You are amazing, and life’s challenges only serve to support you in knowing just how amazing you already are and prepare you for all the adventure that’s on its way to you! On “Every Day is a New Day with Kim O’Neill” the aim is to remind you of who you really are and the possibilities that exist right in front of you by sharing stories and tips on how other coaches, energy workers, entrepreneurs and all-around-awesome people have moved through and beyond their own life challenges and what they learned along the way. We will incorporate the secular with the spiritual. We are both. We are all. You are phenomenal! Always remember that. Be open. Take what you need, leave what you don’t and join us! I look forward to being on this journey with you. 

I’m here to support and guide passionate people who won’t settle for a life less than what they desire – even if it takes a million and one tries to get there.  I also believe you and I are more than our physical bodies.  I believe you are more than the part of yourself that you show to the world.  I believe you have talents and strengths worthy of sharing with the world, and I believe that you bring something unique and special to this place that others just don’t have – even others who may seem similar to you.  I believe that a life lived unexpressed, is akin to a life wasted.  You deserve to be heard. You and your message are wanted.  You most definitely are good enough … and you’re not alone.

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Guest, Noah Alvarez

Guest Name
Noah Alvarez
Noah Alvarez, aka Buddha-Noah
Guest Occupation
Founder of Family Futures Media, Intervention Healer
Guest Biography

Noah Alvarez, affectionately called Buddha-Noah, is the Founder of Family Futures Media, as well as a healing facilitator for families and households in need all around the globe.

Noah landed in Los Angeles, CA in December 2012 with his girlfriend and dog in tow. Over the course of 5 years he has become one of the most sought-out intervention healers in Southern CA and beyond. While his young age is notable, his stature and wisdom assist in carving a path that is unique to his particular spiritual experience. 

Not only has he served celebrities with his counsel in their times of need, but he has served the underprivileged and homeless communities alike. 

His most notable work is with the Family Futures Healing Tour, which launched in the fall of 2017 and is set to return in the first quarter of 2018.

With a focus on the "new nuclear family," as well as "preserving home and soul partnerships in the 'new world," Alvarez spends most of his time working to build up families, one household at a time.

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