The Veterans News Hour
News and talk show about military veterans issues, including VA benefits and all related topics.
Guest, Kristin Judge, CEO and Founder of Cybercrime Support Network
To address the needs of individuals and small businesses impacted by cybercrime, Kristin Judge founded the nonprofit Cybercrime Support Network (CSN) and works with corporations, federal, state and local law enforcement and consumer protection agencies. As an international thought leader, Kristin has contributed to the World Economic Forum “Partnership Against Cybercrime,” DEMOS, “The Great Cyber Surrender: How police and governments abandon cybercrime victims,” and Third Way’s, “A Roadmap to Strengthen US Cyber Enforcement: Where Do We Go From Here?” and is called on by media outlets like Time Magazine, VOX, SC Magazine and Government Technology to share the latest on cybercrime impacts. Kristin was named an SC Media “Women in IT Security Influencer” and “Women of Influence” by the Executive Women’s Forum. She is an international speaker, sharing cybersecurity best practices and cybercrime impacts with elected officials, businesses and consumers and authored the LinkedIn course, “Cybersecurity for Small and Medium Businesses: Essential Training.”