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ET First Contact Radio

ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst
Show Host
Maarten Horst

ET-First Contact Radio HOST MAARTEN HORST, Speaks every Thursday about the development of Disclosure, First Contact and the Changes that are taking place on Gaia to prepare us for the great Shift, leading us to Ascension. All related subjects like The Galactic Federation will be dealt with in depth.

Often Maarten will read and reflect on the messages from SaLuSa from Sirius (channeled by Mike Quinsey another host on BBS-RADIO) and the messages, including Sheldan Nidle.

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Guest, Karen Doonan

Guest Name
Karen Doonan
Karen Doonan
Guest Occupation
Author, Channel and Spiritual Counselor
Guest Biography

Karen Doonan is an author, channel and spiritual counselor who works to reveal TRUTH to the human race through her channeled messages and expansive information channeled through GOD.  ALL JUST IS and WE ARE and the human race are now moving from Ascension into Evolution and Karen works to translate this process into everyday human language in order to help the human race understand what this evolution involves.  Karen is here to help birth the New Earth which has always existed but was hidden from the human race by the lower dimensional frequencies which Karen refers to as the old 3D earth.  We now move into a new way of living and being and we do this through validation of personal physical experience. Karen has walked this process and shares this process in order to physically show TRUTH at a human physical waking mind level. "LOVE is the answer, no matter the question" - (c) Karen Doonan.

Karen Doonan

Author, Channel and Spiritual Counselor

"LOVE is the answer, no matter the question" (c) Karen Doonan

2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight