School of Human Potential

Becoming a well-rounded person in our modern society is no easy task, never mind finding your true purpose in the process. Thus at “School of Human Potential” radio program we invite world renowned experts for a discussion on how to achieve both and lead a healthy, wealthy and fulfilling life. Topics are all over the Mind, Body & Spirit spectrum and guests range from Lisa Williams to Yakov Smirnoff and everyone in between. Listen live, call in and allow us to help you reach your full potential!
Guest, Jennifer Fallaw

Jennifer Fallaw is an individual gifted with many special talents. Aside from being a published Author of, The Wishflower Field-series and Radio Host of Beacon of Light radio, she has a clear connection with angels and spirits, clear knowing and vision, and the ability to project her consciousness to locations and dimensions. Most of her communication and guidance comes from Archangels. It is her goal in life to uplift and enlighten, to help and heal, and to bring understanding to those who are struggling. She does this through her books, show and private sessions. Jennifer’s prices are affordable so those who need the help have the means to get it.
Abilities include: Medium, Divine distant healings, angel intuitive, remote readings, attachment removals, distant house cleansings, Psychic, dream interpretation, grief counselling, inter- dimensional meditation.