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Guest Occupation: Osteopathic Family Physician, Medical Doctor, Clinical Professor, Author
Guest Biography:

Janine Talty, D.O., M.P.H. Is board certified in Family Medicine by the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians. She specializes in clinical biomechanics, orthopedic medicine, and Osteopathic manipulative medicine. She holds two masters degrees. The first is in the field of Public Health, double majoring in Health Resources Management and Community Health Science, from the University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health. The second is in Clinical Biomechanics, from Michigan State University, College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr Talty attended medical school at Des Moines University and completed her internship and residency in Family Medicine and fellowship in Clinical Biomechanics at Michigan State University.

She is the medical director of the Wellness and Rehabilitation Center in Watsonville California and is an assistant clinical professor in the department of Manual Medicine at Michigan State University, College of Osteopathic Medicine in East Lansing Michigan. Her practice focuses on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal diagnostic dilemmas of the spine and extremities, sports medicine, pain management, prolotherapy, Lyme disease and natural hormone balance for women and men. She is the author of Indigo Awakening (Elite Books, 2009). What makes her uniquely qualified to write a book on the lesser known phenomenon of the Indigo person, is that she is one.

Guest Category: Medicine, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Researcher, Scientist, Chemical Specialist, Information Analyst, Scholar, Expert in Nutritional Magnesium, Author
Guest Biography:

Andrea Rosanoff, Ph.D. is Director of Research & Science Information Outreach for the Center.

In 1982, Andrea Rosanoff received her Ph.D. degree in Nutrition from the University of California at Berkeley. 

In 1985, Dr. Andrea Rosanoff was invited to give a short commentary upon an environmental technology proposal that included magnesium.  To prepare, she went to the library to learn what she could about magnesium and was surprised to find research that linked nutritional magnesium both clinically and in population studies to heart disease -- the largest killer in her country, the United States.  These were links she had not learned about during her graduate education which specialized in the nutritional minerals.  Her interest piqued, Dr. Rosanoff kept reading about magnesium every chance she got at her jobs as Senior Chemical Information Specialist at Dialog Information Services and as Information Analyst at Chevron Research & Technology Corporation.  At both jobs she became adept at online searching of the peer reviewed scientific literature, a skill which serves her well today as an Independent Scholar  with expertise in Nutritional Magnesium.

By the late 1990’s, Dr. Rosanoff ‘s “hobby” evolved into co-authorship  with Dr. Mildred Seelig in the writing of “The Magnesium Factor”, a book on magnesium and heart disease, and from there to original research and publication in scientific journals.   In 2005, Dr. Rosanoff formed the Center for Magnesium Education & Research, LLC.  The center conducts research into all aspects of nutritional magnesium and attempts to inform the world of their findings.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Nutrition, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Paranormal Investigator, Host, Producer, Narrator, Author
Guest Biography:

Zachary Alexander (Zak) Bagans (born on April 5, 1977) is the lead investigator and co-founder of the Ghost Adventures Crew organization, one of the largest worldwide network of professional paranormal investigators. Zak was born in Washington, D.C. and currently lives in Las Vegas, NV.

As a former skeptic, Zak says that his passion for investigating the paranormal resulted from a face-to-face encounter with the spirit of a suicidal woman in his apartment building in Trenton, MI, in 2002. He graduated from film school in MI.

Zak is known, and sometimes criticized for his aggressive and confrontational methods used during investigations; however, he maintains that he respects the afterlife and only provokes evil entities in order to elicit responses.

Zak has hosted and produced the “Ghost Adventures” series since the very beginning in 2008. In 2011, he hosted and produced the show “Paranormal Challenge” on the Travel Channel. Zak also narrated the Travel Channel special “Ultimate Travel: Legends of the Parks”, about paranormal activity in national parks.

Zak wrote a book with Kelly Crigger titled “Dark World: Into the Shadows with the Lead Investigator of the Ghost Adventures Crew”. The book debuted at number 18 on the New York Times Best Seller list on September 23, 2011.

2012 remains a busy year for Zak: he continues hosting and producing the “Ghost Adventures” Series (currently on Season 7); he launched his private clothes line called “DungeonWear” on Aug. 18; has been in two music collaborations, one within the new Lords of Acid album “Deep Chills” with a song called “Paranormal Energy” and the other with Praga Khan with the full length album entitled “Necrofusion”, set to be released on October 23; and is the Executive Producer of a new show on the Travel Channel, “Paranormal Paparazzi”, which premiered on September 28, 2012.

Guest Category: Paranormal, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Paranormal Investigator, Executive Producer, Editor, Camaraman, Writer, Music Producer, Singer, Spiritualist
Guest Biography:

Nicholas "Nick" Groff (born April 19, 1980) is a co-investigator and executive producer of Ghost Adventures, as well as an editor and cameraman for the show. He is a co-founder of GAC, the Ghost Adventures Crew. Groff was Executive Producer for a show on the Travel Channel called Vegas Stripped, a behind-the-scenes look at the operations of the South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa in Las Vegas, NV.

Born in San Jose, California, Groff grew up in New England. He graduated from Pelham High School and later studied film at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where he met Aaron Goodwin. After graduation, his interest in the paranormal led him to become a ghost hunter. His fascination in the field, however, began much earlier in life. At the age of eight he fell out of a tree in the yard of his family's home in Salem, New Hampshire. Groff describes it as "a near-death experience," though he underwent none of the events traditionally associated with a near-death experience, such as seeing deceased relatives or being drawn toward a tunnel of light. Two years later, while at home alone, he saw a ghostly black figure. In a 2012 interview, Groff said he wondered: "Was it my imagination? Or was it something from my accident that made me more open to that world?"[11]

After Groff met and befriended Bagans during Groff's wedding in Las Vegas, the two joined forces.[12][13]

One of Groff's most life-changing experiences was apparently being possessed by an entity at the Moon River Brewing Company in Savannah, Georgia.[14] A similarly startling experience was a face-to-face encounter with a female spirit at the Linda Vista Community Hospital in East Los Angeles, California. This encounter gave Groff insight into what he had been searching for: life after death in this world. Groff uses the term "Energy Doesn't Die," and is still searching every day for that next experience that will bring him closer to the other side.

Groff released a music CD entitled The Other Side. He wrote, produced and sang all the tracks. The lyrics recall Groff's spiritual journey.[15]

As of 2012, he and his wife Veronique reside in New Hampshire and Massachusetts with their daughter, Annabelle.[15]

Guest Category: Paranormal, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Equipment Technician, Camera Operator, Paranormal Investigator, Artist
Guest Biography:

Aaron Goodwin (born April 1, 1976) is an equipment technician, camera operator and co-investigator of Ghost Adventures. In need of a cameraman for their documentary, Groff introduced Goodwin to Bagans to assist them with primary filming and B-roll taping of the series.

Before joining Bagans and Groff, Goodwin had worked as a camera operator for the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and several behind-the-scenes film premieres in Las Vegas.[16] Prior to his experiences in Virginia City, Nevada,[12] he "never really thought twice about ghosts." Goodwin looks perpetually terrified on the show and now considers himself "a hundred percent – no, a thousand percent – believer."[13] Goodwin is often left alone in the hotspots during lockdowns to act as bait for whatever may happen.[17][18]

At Preston Castle, the crew claimed that marks which appeared on Goodwin's left leg were similar to those that appeared on Bagans' back during the first Bobby Mackey nightclub investigation.

They set up an experiment at the Winchester Mystery House, where they hoped to communicate with demonic entities at Bobby Mackey's Music World and Washoe Club. To facilitate this, they used very low frequencies, coil antennae, and satellite communication. Due to his nausea and fatigue, combined with overall feelings of dread, Goodwin was the prime target of these demonic attacks. He was simultaneously mentioned in multiple EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenons) at Bobby Mackey's 2,400 miles away during their investigation. He was possessed in Bobby Mackey's.[citation needed]

Originally from Portland, Oregon, as of 2012 he resides in Las Vegas.

Guest Category: Paranormal, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Speaker, Spiritualist, NDE Experiencer, Healer, Writer, Teacher, Feng Shui Expert, Author, Soul Coach
Guest Biography:

Denise Linn has been called "America's best-kept secret." For the last three and a half decades she has traveled to the far corners of the world speaking to standing-room only audiences of thousands. Her spiritual journey began as a teenager when she had a near-death experience after being shot by an unknown gunman. The revelations she received on the "other side" and the subsequent amazing healing of her wounds led Denise to eventually become an internationally respected healer, writer, and teacher.

A world-acclaimed expert in feng shui and space clearing, Denise has distilled the information and wisdom into her teachings that she gained from indigenous cultures around the planet— the aborigines of Australia, the Zulu in Africa, the Maori of New Zealand (where she was given the title of tohunga), as well as from her own Native American roots.

Denise has taught seminars in 20 countries and has written 15 books, including the best-selling, "Sacred Space," and "Soul Coaching" as well as her newly released personal memoir, "If I Can Forgive, So Can You!" Her books have been translated into 26 languages, and she has been a featured guest on Oprah, Lifetime, Discovery Channel, BBC TV, NBC and CBS. She is also the founder of the International Institute of Soul Coaching.

Denise and her husband, David, live at Summerhill Ranch in the wine country of the Central Coast of California with their two dogs, Pepper and Sadie, and with their five chickens. Their home is located on 40 acres of oak-covered hills surrounded by vineyards with the Santa Lucia Mountains in the distance. To the far west is the Big Sur coastline where cliffs drop suddenly into the crashing surf of the Pacific Ocean. And to the far south are vast sand dunes delicately carved by sea breezes. To the east is the Corizo Plain which is awash with brilliant wildflowers in the spring. At night the stars sparkle in the crisp night air of Summerhill, while owls hoots and coyotes howl in their nightly chorus.

On their land, they have a small orchard with 15 different kinds of fruit, 100 grapevines for home-made wine and grape juice, olive trees for olives, and a large organic garden. Whenever possible Denise and David use the bounty of their land to help supply food for the retreats held there. The land also offers sanctuary for many kinds of birds and animals. Summerhill Ranch is host to bobcats, coyotes, badgers, foxes-gray and red, porcupines, skunks, voles, moles, raccoons, pack rats and an occasion mountain lion, as well as over 40 different kinds of birds.

Denise and David's daughter Meadow is 33 years old and enjoys working with her parents at the Ranch. In addition to handling Soul Coaching registrations, she is also the resident Summerhill Ranch chef and will delight your senses with colorful and flavorful dishes from around the world. Meadow writes a blog about love, life, and food. The blog is rich with her tantalizing recipes. 

Guest Category: Energy Healing, Feng Shui, Near Death Experiences, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Journalist, Film Producer, Environmental Activist
Guest Biography:

Hardy Jones is a former journalist with CBS News and UPI. He has been making television documentaries about the oceans and marine mammals in particular for more than 20 years. "The experience of forcing Japanese fishermen to release hundreds of dolphins simply by pointing a camera at them led to the original concept of," says Jones. "The advent of the internet has given us a tool of unprecedented power to end some of the brutalities committed against marine mammals and the oceans."

Our film "If Dolphins Could Talk," hosted by actor Michael Douglas, complimented the work of many environmental organizations when we broadcast video footage of dolphins dying in tuna nets. Soon afterwards Heinz announced it would no longer accept tuna caught by surrounding dolphins with nets. draws on the hundreds of hours of film produced by Hardy Jones/Julia Whitty Productions, a leading production company specializing in films onthe marine environment. is an ocean conservation organization founded in 2000 by Hardy Jones and Ted Danson. Its mission is to protect dolphins, save the whales, and other marine mammals and to raise popular awareness about toxic chemicals in the oceans. BlueVoice has fought to end the slaughter of dolphins in Japan and to expose the harmful levels of toxins in the marine environment, including mercury, PCBs, and persistent organic pollutants, and their impact on both marine mammals and humans.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Science, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Animal Rights Activist, Author, Agriculturalist
Guest Biography:

Gene Baur has been hailed as “the conscience of the food movement” by Time magazine. For 25 years, he has traveled extensively, campaigning to raise awareness about the abuses of industrialized factory farming and our cheap food system.

A pioneer in the field of undercover investigations, Gene has visited hundreds of farms, stockyards, and slaughterhouses documenting the deplorable conditions that exist. His pictures and videos exposing factory farming cruelties have aired nationally and internationally, educating millions about the plight of modern farm animals.

Gene has also testified in courts and before local, state, and federal legislative bodies, advocating for better conditions for farm animals. His most important achievements include winning the first-ever cruelty conviction at a U.S. stockyard and introducing the first U.S. laws to prohibit cruel farming confinement methods in Florida, Arizona, and California. His efforts have been covered by top news organizations, including The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and The Wall Street Journal. In 2008, Gene’s book, Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food, became a national bestseller. As a recent guest on The Martha Stewart Show’s first-ever “vegan show,” he inspired viewers to eat in alignment with their compassionate values.

Gene began his activist career selling veggie hotdogs out of a VW van at Grateful Dead concerts to fund farm animal rescues. Today, he serves as president of Farm Sanctuary, the nation’s leading farm animal protection organization, with shelters in New York and California. Providing rescue, refuge, and adoption for hundreds of farm animals each year, Farm Sanctuary shelters enable visitors to connect with farm animals as emotional, intelligent individuals. Gene believes these animals stand as ambassadors for the billions on factory farms who have no voice, and he has dedicated his career to advocating on their behalf. Gene holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from California State University, Northridge, and a master’s degree in agricultural economics from Cornell University.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Plant & Animals