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Guest Name
Phil Gruber Unveils Advanced Healing, Light Language, Sacred Geometry, & the Mysteries of Ascension
Guest Occupation
Phil is acknowledged world-wide as one of the foremost teachers of Advanced Healing Systems, Light Language, Sacred Geometry, The Magdalene Mysteries, The Indigos, The Structure of Space-Time, ET Contact, and The Art and Science of Dimensional Ascension.
Guest Biography

My guest, Phil Gruber, is featured in the critically-acclaimed film "The Indigo Evolution.  His passion, wit, and intelligencehas made him a much-loved, and in-demand speaker internationally. Phil is acknowledged world-wide as one ofthe foremost teachers of Advanced Healing Systems, Light Language, Sacred Geometry, The Magdalene Mysteries, The Indigos, The Structure of Space-Time, ET Contact, The Art and Science of Dimensional Ascension, and The Evolutionary Path of Human Consciousness. Phil has spoken at the United Nations and is co-author, along with James F. Twyman, of the bestselling "The Kaballah Code." His CD "The Song of Indra" has earned iconic status in the genre of New Age Music