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Guest Name
Kathleen Jordon
Kathleen Jordon
Guest Occupation
Executive Coach
Guest Biography

Kathleen studied psychology, English and modern history at Melbourne University and subsequently studied postgraduate criminology.

Applying what she had learned to her personal and professional lives became a passion. This led to the development of a personal program of continuous learning and to the creation of her company, Intuitive Insights, which focused on executive development, leadership coaching and community engagement.

The company concentrated on helping leaders, individuals and teams to understand the essence of who they are and how they can choose the way forward to give their work and life meaning and purpose.

Kathleen has coached over 300 executives around the world.

This balanced and fulfilling life came to a sudden and distressing full stop on 23 August 2011 when she suffered a major stroke.

Determined that her experiences might have lessons for others, and while she was still recovering in hospital from operations and treatment, she began the writing of Standing Up!. Given the state of her health, this was challenging enough, but the death of her parents within a few months of each other in October 2012 and February 2013 further tested her resolve to complete the book.

A further heavy blow came when one of her much-loved daughters, Dr Lucinda May Jordan, was diagnosed with breast cancer, also early in 2013. She subsequently passed away in May 2015.

Lucinda had been working with the McAuley Community Services for Women in Victoria. McAuley supports women and children experiencing family violence or homelessness.

Proceeds from the sale of Standing Up! are donated to McAuley Community Services.


Toni Lontis

11 May 2020

Please  follow the link to the FREE video this week 

The Power of Essence (What emanates from essence?)