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Guest Name
Dr. Rev. Christopher Macklin
Dissolving the Enigma of Divine Healing
Guest Occupation
Internationally Acclaimed Spiritual healer and Teacher.
Guest Biography

Dr. Rev. Christopher Macklin

Christopher Macklin was born in Chester in the UK and has been very gifted from an early age. For the last several years he has concentrated on Divine Healing learned from Divine knowledge from God and All That Is Holy. Healing technique utilizing God's Angelic Light Beings and clearing of Negative Energies and Entities.

Christopher has worked with Divine Healing for 30 years. He is a Melchizedek Being come down to do teaching & healing using the Sananda Energy from the Infinite Dimension.

He is able to help people with all types of Disease and imbalances. Chris does not work alone; there are large numbers of God's Angelic Light Beings channeled to work with him. He first works to balance the body's energy field by clearing chakra points and cleansing the body's meridian field by removing negative entities and energies. He then uses God's Divine Angelic Beings to perform Esoteric Operations to replace damaged joints and diseased organs. God's Angelic Beings also reconstruct the damaged muscles and nerves. He has helped people recover from all types of illness, some of these include: Auto Immune Diseases, Cancer, Morgellons Disease, Arthritis, and many more.

Every illness is treatable through Christopher's gift of Divine Healing, though individual results vary depending on the facet of healing selected by God. Christopher also treats Emotional Disorders, including Addictions, Chronic Depression, Schizophrenia and Bi-Polar Disorder. The whole person, and their whole life are treated, therefore relationships of families and loved ones can also be repaired and restored.

The glue that binds humanity is Unconditional Love. God and All That Are Holy are most concerned that youare whole and a reflection of this Unconditional Love in the world, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Christopher and the Light Beings, through a constant and thorough cleansing of your energy field, and your own efforts, are able to elevate you in phenomenal ways.

Our Interfaith Ministry embraces Divine Healing, Unconditional Love, Compassion.

Teachings are based on Ancient Knowledge, Peace & Forgiveness.

Boldly become who you truly are; radiant and a reflection of the Divine on Earth.