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Guest Name
Dr Brent Davis
Dr Brent Davis
Guest Occupation
doctor, researcher, inventor, writer
Guest Biography

If you know that certain flower essences have miraculous
spiritual healing properties and would LOVE to celebrate
 Valentine’s Day with a relationship miracle of your own,
you’ll want to tune in to this show for 3 good reasons.

1- Brent Davis has pioneered a unique method of
    extracting the essence of whole uncut flowers
 in the way that he’s proven will dramatically
   alleviate anxiety, grief and other love blocks.

 2- Brent has just published a definitive book on his
  work, and we’ll be reviewing his research and
       evidence of a breakthrough for emotional health.

3- For those who listen to the show, you can get
samples of his amazing products in time for
 Valentine’s Day, and at wholesale; 40% off.

Welcome Dr. Brent David to Cosmic LOVE
with your Presence!

~ Christopher Rudy