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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 16 May 2021

From Misfit to Mystic with Lisa Dawn LaJoie

From Misfit to Mystic
Show Host:
Lisa Dawn LaJoie

From Misfit to Mystic is an unfiltered, off the cuff radio and podcast show that puts evolutionary change makers and leaders from all over the world into the spotlight. Leaders who have taken themselves from feeling unworthy and out of place to becoming unapologetic for who they were born to be and confidently stepping into co-creating the life of their dreams. The show highlights the victorious impact they make in the world today with their powerful purpose and how they monetize their magnificence daily.

The purpose of From Misfit to Mystic is to encourage and inspire those who are feeling unworthy, lost or unsure of what changes they need to make. Inspiring and real stories from people who have been through the process and come out into the light of the other side is exactly what the world needs.

Lisa Dawn LaJoie is a high energy captivating speaker who is compassionate about bringing positive change and healing into the world. Her focus is powerful and life altering. She has been connected to the spirit world since she was born. More than anything, she has an amazing story to share. And through her story, she can help others grow, move forward and simply feel connected and not so alone in the world.

If you believe that your story is aligned with our show, please apply with us here (link form). We will be in touch with you once we have reviewed your application to let you know if we think you are a good fit.

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

Lisa Dawn LaJoie
Metaphysical Healer + Teacher, The Intuitive For Business Owners

Lisa Dawn LaJoie is a direct channel psychic medium who brings her revolutionary brand of unapologetic truth to the radio. Her spiritual purpose is to help unf**k and transcend the consciousness of humanity to a new paradigm of unity. Lisa is the grateful founder of Tapping Into It, Inc., an empowerment and transformation company. For over two decades she has delivered in-depth intuitive consultations and coaching to business leaders and individuals seeking higher levels of accomplishment, clarity and growth in all aspects of their lives.

As a clairvoyant medium, Lisa was born with a gift for receiving messages from Spirit. Today, she uses this gift to help individuals and businesses easily navigate life changing experiences, quickly find answers to life’s tough questions and steadily reach greater heights and connect to their own powerful soul energy. She understands that everyone has the power to bring the best version of themselves to the world by unlocking the blocks of fear that hold them back. Easier said than done, right? Not really actually. With the information that is connected to the energy of spirit that Lisa sees, hears and feels she is able to quickly help people who are open to receiving it.

Clients call Lisa their spiritual advisor and secret weapon. Audiences call her an Intuition Leader and inspired speaker. Whether she’s tapping into her intuition in one of her channeled consultations, working with higher guides or transmitting life strategies and guidance for those who seek it, she gets the Soul job done. Lisa is the grateful founder of Tapping into It (Inc), an Intuition Leadership company which offers intuitive business consultations and coaching for self, life, love or business.

“We all have unique gifts to share with the world. Mine just happens to be the gift of connecting to the other side. I see every obstacle put in our path as an opportunity to grow and I look forward to meeting you on the path to higher places.” - Lisa LaJoie

As a certified life coach, Business intuitive and Spiritual Life Strategist and teacher, Lisa is able to tap into the energies and higher guides, ask the right questions to strategize and accelerate your transformations into success and actionable insights. She works best with Spiritual seekers and business owners to tap into their brilliance and watch them unfold. There is nothing woowoo or wishy washy about the way she works and the results come with very little effort and lots of reward. In addition to Intuitive Medium readings and one-on-one coaching, she also offers a revolutionary brand of spiritual teaching and transformational truth breakthroughs to large groups of all kinds. Utilizing those lifelong gifts of heightened intuition, Lisa LaJoie is a dynamic force who helps her clients channel their inner power so they can find happiness and ignite their success in life, love, and business.

LaJoie is the creator and host of From Misfit to Mystic, an inspirational radio show/podcast showcasing evolutionary leaders from all over the world who have taken themselves from feeling unworthy and out of place to confidently stepping into co-creating the life of their dreams. The show highlights the impact they make in the world with their powerful purpose and how they monetize their magnificence daily.

In addition, Lisa Dawn offers groundbreaking Quantum courses and workshops and hosts international enlightening retreats that are geared towards personal elevation, manifesting dreams, creating business vision and living a spiritual lifestyle. Lisa believes once people discover their true soul's calling, they will wake up every morning filled with gratitude and drive because they are thriving, prosperous, and doing what they love.

She is a spitfire speaker who tells it like it is and those who have seen her work from the stage can attest to the life changing intuitive insights she gives. Lisa brings a profound dynamic activating higher levels of consciousness, deeper spiritual healing and clarity to her audience. She revels in helping the masses awaken to their own gifts and launch their light into the world.