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Lady Athena, I am overjoyed that you have shared this message in your Jan.3rd radio show. It is so full of loving clarity. I look forward to sharing these feelings with others. For a good period of months I have had this growing awareness of a space of incredible radiant peace and artful life. It seemed for me to start during the total eclipse. And every day I have awoken to a little more confidence in these feelings.

Then there was a day when I was bam! in the center of that wholeness. It was Jan. 3 and I would have thought I was imagining the new sign I was getting intuitionally: all speed limits no longer apply, only love applies. Then all day long I kept synchronizing with galactic messengers who are important as love to me.

That every one will attune to this inner change of sea in their own unique way that is their version of delight brings tears to my eyes. The Age of Wholeness is here. I am completely grateful to you for being a voice that always brings in more wholeness to be reflected and shared.

I always admire the way you weave processes to gain perspective within the Imaginal Realm which is my space of appreciation for having a sacred imagination. You put your sacred journey into words that act like metaphorically empowering stepping stones. Anyone who tunes in will have a moment of dancing with your heavenly frequency. Thank you for being a Forerunner who has been catalytic in deepening my frequency of delight!

Here’s to the joy of Spirit, our wealth, our art and our pure gratitude of being!



The Kevin Annett I know

How does one describe a bright valiant soul like Kevin? I want to try. After all these years, I owe it to him.

I first saw Kevin at a riot. He was seventeen and holding a megaphone. The cops were shoving people around but Kevin was standing there unafraid and unbending, keeping his cool. 

The scene looked kind of funny to me, an uninformed bystander. Here were all these long haired freaks going crazy outside the U.S. consulate, fighting with Vancouver's finest, and there was Kevin, speaking calmly, trying to get the cops to stop what they were doing and arrest the real criminals, the visiting Chilean dictators who'd just murdered 30,000 people. A strong, brave, passionate voice of good will and reason right in the eye of the storm. That was Kevin.

I'm one of those, I guess we're the majority, who love bright souls like Kevin from the sidelines because we're too afraid to risk what he does and face what he's endured through his life just for being who he is. Just because we lack his valor doesn't make us love him any the less. But for a long time my cowardice made me afraid to approach him. When I did I was even more impressed. My admiration for him has only increased over the years.

I was a mousy girl in the high school I went to with Kevin, University Hill. I showed up there in grade eleven and I never mixed much, especially after one of the teachers there raped me and I got threatened to shut up about it. That made me burn inside with anger and a gut feeling for anyone who gets screwed over and shut down to protect some asshole. The same kind of righteous outrage that won't look away that Kevin has always carried.

We only spent a year together at U Hill before Kevin and I went our own separate ways. But it was hard for me to lose contact with Kevin. He's not the kind of guy to stay unnoticed, as you may have noticed.

Some ignoramus in our grad class said Kevin was the one most likely to become Prime Minister. The funny thing about that statement is Kevin is a born revolutionary. I mean that in a good way. He can't tolerate any wrong, no matter who's doing it. And he dreams of a world without somebody screwing or exploiting somebody else. From what I can see, he's never let go of that dream.

In 2004 I reconnected with Kev face to face after he'd been thrown out of the United Church for exposing their residential school house of horrors. I came to one of the information pickets he and a few Indians were holding outside one of the downtown Vancouver churches. There was that same smiling, fearless Kevin. He was happy to see me there. He didn't judge me like I judged myself, for being too chicken shit to do anything about all the bullshit in the world for so long. It was enough for him that I was there.

I think Kev is the only man I've ever trusted. He is gentle to his core but as hard as iron. He has an other worldly quality about him that lets him be present with anyone. He really is able to love his enemies to their face, not just as a nice idea. Like on the day we picketed that church together, the United Church minister came out and started screaming at Kevin and heckling him, taunting him, hitting him low blows about not being a good father and husband. Kev's wife had left him by then and he'd had his daughters taken from him. But in all his pain and personal loss, and with all that hatred thrown in his face, Kev didn't strike back. The hate and vile shit didn't faze him. He stared his attacker down and kept trying to reason with him and reach his heart. I've never seen anything like it.

I don't think a sick world like ours will ever understand or honor a man like Kevin. That's why I had to write this. At least someone sees him and maybe if there is a God that's enough for Him. I know Kev's always been there for people like me, the silenced and messed up victims who never get their say or day in court. Fighting for us is enough for him. Knowing that there's even one like Kevin Annett in our world is enough for me.

I didn't think I could write this because of all my demons and my shame for wasting my life. But at least part of me is inspired by Kevin's light, knowing that it will never go out. My love and respect for him has no words. He is still walking his lonely road and I wish him all the hope and love and happiness that he has brought me and so many others.



Dear Marcia,

As the music still plays, I must tell you that this episode with James Murray as your guest and John Lennon channeled by each of you was my favorite one of your shows. It flowed and made me smile.  In fact, I’m still smiling, and I thank both you and James!  The music stopped before I finished typing, but I am still smiling.  Your music selections seemed very fitting tonight.

Happily and In appreciation,




Also, I enjoyed your program a lot last night. I hurried home to catch it. Your publisher is so sweet and interesting. Her discussion of her novels surprised me, but I am pleased at how readable she makes them with various warm inclusions. I’ll read one sometime and maybe more!

~ Judy


Dear Lady Ashtar-Athena,

Wow! I was drawn by an invisible feeling to listen to this today and it totally was the best vibrational space I could have entered. Your lucid and pure explanations always give me a deep sense of connection and communion.

This was full of deLIGHTful news, too. Freedom's voice is rising worldwide and all the storms in our awareness will advance all awareness.Your words, " Let's just have one flag for Planet Earth and one race, the race of humanity, and one religion, compassion; our one language, the language of the heart," fills me with light and a sense of our beautiful harmonious cocreation here as Mankind with Divine Nature. 

Getting to know our true divine presence is the ultimate way to stand for peace on Earth. I loved, loved, loved this message! "When you are truly awake, you see only love." I move in and out of that state, but I celebrate when I am able to realize I have wandered into my own fears and can simply go back to the heart where I am connected and feeling love again.

Embodying the love of God within us and seeing this as the true estate of one and all is our holy metaphor of being. I always feel inspired to take this deeper and surface it as a part of the dear unity after hearing your pep talks.  Your love and care for humanity is so tangible and something one can wrap life up anew in. Thank you from the center of my heart. How much love you shine, illuminating the radiance of us all!




Beloved Lady Athena, I just listened to your last show.   What a great topic you offered to us!    There was a supreme moment for me when you said [toward the end]:   "OH GOSH IT BECOMES FUN WHEN YOU ARE NOT ATTACHED!"      I really was uplifted by your gift there.Thank you, thank you my dear friend -- for the supreme assistance you give to all who would take of it.  Love, Noel


Dharma Doors ! I Love that. Another fine show -- thanks Lady Athena. Lots of love, Ruth


Dearest Lady Athena,

So much happening so quickly--so

here's some feedback on some of your previous seminars. Regarding the lights in the sky--you solved that mystery for me because about two weeks before your information I had woken in the night and looked out of my window. Four

dancing lights, moving so quickly as if dancing together how long for I do not know but some time and just as quickly they went. I was confused as to what  they were...maybe kids with lazers but there was no visible light from below going up to them, would they be doing this at about 4am. So I went back to bed still wondering..then your seminar a couple of weeks later...and I knew what I had seen. Thank you for that.

In another seminar you spoke about the light body and how to integrate it....for several months prior to that I had been doing this. I find your seminars are like John-Roger's, sometimes I am already doing what is said and then there is lots of new stuff  which I am always amazed by .

You spoke in  another seminar about Maitraya....whenever I think of him

my heart starts to vibrate like when I am chanting. Very interesting.

In another seminar you mentioned tummy trouble, that week I had been

experiencing that.  Nice to have an explanation sometimes for all this stuff.

Love you, Gloria in the UK


Dear One Lady Athena, You will behold without, that which you hold within, is.a very informative, thought provoking talk. There is so much to learn, so much to accept, so many thoughts to change, so many misunderstandings to adjust to. Then to express them in such a way that it is done in a loving and compassionate way that does not hurt, belittle or offend others. I am still learning these hard life lessons. Presently I have daily communications with Only Archangels and so, new understanding are sometimes stated. Even so we all, including myself will also make changes as needed. I am being taught daily and really appreciate your huge efforts to bring truth, . May the One infinite and supreme Almighty God protect and bless you. Nameste, John M.


Dearest Lady Athena,

I was aware of my breathing as your show ended, and I realized just how powerfully your pacing just invokes chanting.   Like a tuning fork -- you transmit attunement to everything within your sound expression.

I was really hoping that you would speak to Innercessory work in your show this week.  Yay !    I'll be listening to what you shared over again.  Loving us all more and more--loving you always,
