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Hi Lance, I love your interviews. I happened to catch the May 7th interview with Laura Walker, but only the last few moments of it...will you be posting this soon? I really hope so, wondering how Laura is doing and what she has to say!

L. Thompson


Your guest was wonderful to hear on the program while ago. I liked the angelic music that was playing when I tuned in to the station. I intend to look for his books, and I could listen to him more!  When he told of being in the tomb, I felt special chills of appreciation for his experience.

Going back to your email on Diana, I didn't notice the part about the Sunday time. I'm afraid I cannot squeeze anything more into this week. I need my helper but have been too tired to call him, and I want to get something ready for my brother. I'm also busy praying for a number of people and situations, including the concerns in her message.

I'm so glad you found Ed Martin for your program!

~ Judy


Dear Lady Athena assisting others in their reconnection with their higher self is what you do so well on your radio show such as you describing your personal experiences with Sai Baba. By the way, speaking of your radio shows, the last 3 were really enlightening. You seem to have reached an even higher level of what I call divine awareness that is at the same level as "The Impersonal Life" book which you can read on line. Sincerely,  Larry


It is always a real pleasure listening to our Lady Ashtar Athena, I resonate with every word. Every message is a joy to hear.

Our beloved Athena is and always will be our guiding Light into the unseen Realms of Love and Light.

Thank you Lady Athena.  Leander


Very Nice show today Marcia - You and your guest were in your element!

~ Rise H


Thank you, Lady Athena! It’s so marvelous to listen to the voice of unlimited wholeness as you bring so much together in your focus. Every time I listen to one of these messages I come away with a greater sense of the LOVE I AM and the benevolent process of life that we each are immersed within. I especially enjoyed learning about the collectives of elementals that are part of us and learning within us as we experience our individual subtleties of sublime awareness. There is always more to appreciate about the nature of life. Thank you so much for your clarity and peace which becomes part of my awareness as I listen and expand along with you.  Starflower      


Dearest Lady Athena, It was quite a challenging day. And I just was flooded with relief when I heard your voice as I turned to your show.   Joy and more perspective were right there -- as I turned my sight to how you might view my frustration with situations. You are such a blessing to this world and certainly in my life. Love, Noel  


Commander Lady Athena it is always a pleasure listening to you talk on the radio.  I hope many listen and get inspired by your words. It is so important and you are a gift to Humanity. Be blessed with Unconditional love and light.

Namasté, Denise

I never cease to be grateful for these cosmic talks, Lady Ashtar-Athena. For me it is like a door of new metaphor opens revealing a different shape to the consciousness I had settled into. New subtle differences appear to be appreciated, integrated, and then, simply transcended. And transcendence seems to me to be an advancing clarity that is beyond all the meanings I ever remember making. Sometimes it feels like I am (in the process of) absorbing all I am until only pure love expresses. Such ideas remain very vague until someone lights the lamp of their awareness and in that light one can see what they had no words, nor even feeling for, before.

This particular talk acted like a great vibrant window into a Realm where all I see and sense is white light. It is not at all a normal state for me to be the ocean, much more to be the most loving wave merging through other waves; but one does not know what they have never felt. And you help me feel things I had not imagined before. I especially loved this metaphor that the world becomes your living room when your "I" becomes the I Am That I Am that lives and dwells in the hearts of all human beings, every single person an embodiment of your own Self. And there, you just love because only love is true.

Thank you ever so much!   Starflower


Thank you, Lady Athena! It’s so marvelous to listen to the voice of unlimited wholeness as you bring so much together in your focus. Every time I listen to one of these messages I come away with a greater sense of the LOVE I AM and the benevolent process of life that we each are immersed within. I especially enjoyed learning about the collectives of elementals that are part of us and learning within us as we experience our individual subtleties of sublime awareness. There is always more to appreciate about the nature of life. Thank you so much for your clarity and peace which becomes part of my awareness as I listen and expand along with you.  Starflower