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I am now feeling perplexted and frustrated by my inability to fast-forward and rewind in both 'Being Inspired With Q' and 'Project Review With Q' BBS Broadcast recordings. Several months ago, I made mention of this issue to Don Newsome, before the problem worsened to its present state. Notwithstanding,  I do understand, and I do appreciate that Don did look into the matter. 

When I go to the free Project Review With Q Podcast, I am able to fast-forward and rewind the BBS Broadcast recording. Again, please look into this matter. Somethng has got to be done to enable Project Review Subscribers to perform the simple tasks of fast-forwarding and rewinding these Most Wonderful and Priceless BBS recordings.

We are all mindful and appreciative of all that you do for us and humanity!

With kind thanks and grattitude,

David (BlakButterfly)


Hi Sunshine,

I wanted to send you a message of thanks for putting yourself out there and letting us know we are not in this alone. How I found your show was pretty cool.

I usually listen to Q's shows on the Archives because Saturday's are my main free day and I am out and about. On the day of your first show, I was home and free so I decided to listen live while I was cleaning. Since I don't normal listen live, I logged on an hour early and there you were with your very first show.

I listened to your first show and have been listening ever since. I can relate to you and your story more than I can say. I am on the east coast and was raised Christain also. I could go on and on with our similar stories but will stop here. I just felt inspired to let you know that your show has helped a fellow Q, RA Asha loyal listener and I appreciate you.


Karen from the East Coast


The Audio issues tonight may well be connected to the time changes (here clocks supposedly change on the 30th of March) - I mean spiritually, energetically - there is mostly more than one reason to make interferences possible (some Germans / Foreign Nationals missed the first hour on "Inspired with Q". @ just over an hour, so when we started hearing the show, it disconnected at the point where QstaR said about that they make things difficult by putting things in our way & woops instantly gone).

The whole blimming summer/winter time is so aunnatural, in itself overcomplicates (- &/but helps us to realize the difference how it feels to miss out on the live call for example - however time doesn't exist & when listening later it is still possible to connect) & for years they say they stop that experiment - same as the "Tortoise 13 moon cycles" & beginning of the year April in many cultures, as it used to be.


Hoping you guys manage to upload a complete version - it was one of their best shows so far, him & Mermaid...(I was channel hopping + using positive Affirmations / commands, to hear most of the last 2 hours). Personally I am glad to hear any of it Live + the opportunity of recordings & wouldn't be annoyed at things that happened anyway - waste of time, it's over & done - let's concentrate on NOW & ALL THE WONDERFUL POSITIVE CHANGES.

Things come up to be seen & let go of.




(Hope this is the right place to post this)





I wanted to express my pure enjoyment of & gratitude for, The Beyond Earth Show.  I look forward to every other Saturday at 1pm(PST) with great anticipation! The enlightened host, Ray Trujillo, has wisdom beyond her years, as she shares her loving stream of consciousness. She has a way of making me feel more connected to the spiritual realms & my own Higher power.  The hour goes by too fast, & I am always left hopeful & uplifted!  Ms. Trujillo communicates her knowledge & intensions of pure goodness in ways that inspire my soul. Since I started listening to The Beyond Earth Show, I've been able to be more introspective, & mindful of my thoughts & actions & more compassionate towards others.  For that, & so much more - I'm grateful beyond words, to The Beyond Earth Show!


- A long-time listener & loyal subscriber,




Q,  I turned in my project right after your first Project Review With Q, on July 3rd. I emailed to as Don said on the show. I called you on the third Project Review With Q on July 22nd. You told me to send you a message after 5/6 days if I have not heard back from you. I did email you again. But I still have not heard from you.  I decided to contact you through this feedback because I am not sure the previous ones found their way to you. I have subscriptions for both Project Review with Q and Being Inspired with Q. Hope to hear from you soon.


Sending love and light to the person who helped me find Q's project platform.  I found it, and my project is now sent to the right place!

Thank you,

Cathy Thompson


Will you please direct me to the platform folks are using to submit projects to Q?  I sent mine to the Email on Q's website, but I am not sure if that was the right place to send it.  I have looked all over your website, and Q's, and I cannot find any other place to send it.  Please advise.  Thanks!!!

Cathy Thompson


Hi, could you please give me the email address where I can submit my project to Q. My email address is

username: atornera


It's very difficult to find the link for submitting projects. During the show, Q indicated that they have received many projects, yet I can't seem to find how to submit a project. I must be blind or something. Please help. Thx. 

username: Dave Sharp