I am now feeling perplexted and frustrated by my inability to fast-forward and rewind in both 'Being Inspired With Q' and 'Project Review With Q' BBS Broadcast recordings. Several months ago, I made mention of this issue to Don Newsome, before the problem worsened to its present state. Notwithstanding, I do understand, and I do appreciate that Don did look into the matter.
When I go to the free Project Review With Q Podcast, I am able to fast-forward and rewind the BBS Broadcast recording. Again, please look into this matter. Somethng has got to be done to enable Project Review Subscribers to perform the simple tasks of fast-forwarding and rewinding these Most Wonderful and Priceless BBS recordings.
We are all mindful and appreciative of all that you do for us and humanity!
With kind thanks and grattitude,
David (BlakButterfly)
Project Review With Q