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Hi Sunshine,

I wanted to send you a message of thanks for putting yourself out there and letting us know we are not in this alone. How I found your show was pretty cool.

I usually listen to Q's shows on the Archives because Saturday's are my main free day and I am out and about. On the day of your first show, I was home and free so I decided to listen live while I was cleaning. Since I don't normal listen live, I logged on an hour early and there you were with your very first show.

I listened to your first show and have been listening ever since. I can relate to you and your story more than I can say. I am on the east coast and was raised Christain also. I could go on and on with our similar stories but will stop here. I just felt inspired to let you know that your show has helped a fellow Q, RA Asha loyal listener and I appreciate you.


Karen from the East Coast