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Thanks, DOUG!!!!!

You are the BEST!!!!

I so enjoy working with YOU!

Thanks, DOUG!!!!!

You are the BEST!!!!

I so enjoy working with YOU!


Greetings James,

Just want to say thank you for all you're doing to share the message of what's really happening in our world today. My own awakening has been a long process that has been exponentially speeding up over the last few years, and thus has been aided by folks like you.  I enjoyed your talk at Dimensions of Disclosure as well. I couldn't be there so did the livestream. It was worth every cent! Would like to visit your ranch sometime in the not too distant future. 

Again, thank you! You are very much appreciated.

Best regards,

~ Carol Pack 


Hi, Lance!

We're really enjoying the shows you do with Tim Glenn.

Can't afford the personal session with him right now, so we appreciate the

entities he's channeling and their advice about not staying in 4D and using

it as a jumping off point into 5D (and more freedom) 


I was wondering how you are doing, and noticed that there are no more seminars since early July.  Hopefully you are taking a long vacation and doing well. I just wanted you to know that I have been following your seminars and will check into your archives for ones that I have missed. I find them spiritually uplifting and educational.  Blessings to you,  Mimi 

I listen to your show regularly and love the format, Frank, and your teaching messages.
I am adding you to my networking list. Thank you for all you do. I read “Unlimited Realities” and could not put the book down.
- Patty P., Washington State

Awesome show again Elizabeth! Thank you for your re-confirmation about the Tulsa OK selling property as my impatient soul wants it NOW and Divine Timing is perfect!

You are very gifted and want to thank you!  I hope Austin enjoys your great vibes! 


-Amy Surrena, Alaska

I love BBSRadio and your show is my favorite. I will try to call in when Frank St. James is on to ask my question.
Thank you for all you teach and do Elizabeth.
- Lee, Ithaca, NY
My name is Lee, i am an English man living in Queensland, Australia. They call it the Sunshine state and I grow lovely vegetables all year round.
Just a quick message to say you are doing an amazing job on your podcast, of which I listen every week without fail. The knowledge of gardening and environmental issues you give out every week totally inspire me to get outside and learn.
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
Lee Whilock

Thank you, John, for exerting such effort, fueled by energy of truth and integrity.

What the "world" is missing is the joy many of us receive from loving humanity and practicing "good human-ing".
Thanks again, John; you are the mensch's mensch!
Pete Hymans