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I love YOU and THANK-YOU for all YOU do...
~ Lynn


Thank you for your interesting program. I was distracted here briefly and missed the first nine minutes. Just as I finally got the sound, you were saying that that message was from ......  I'm so sorry to have missed the message and really did want to hear it.

I enjoyed hearing your guest and the concept of attachment to a new soul that is completely new to me. I was shocked to hear that we are not all healed in Heaven! I thought we were.

It was good to hear Diana's message. I have been worried about the Queen since she had to stay in due to a bad cold. I felt like it was more serious than indicated.  I'm also curious to learn the truth of everything but not at anyone's expense.

I was listening to you and eager to hear more. Then all of a sudden I woke up to find that the program had ended as I was still holding the phone!  I'm so sorry to have missed the very beginning and the end.  What I heard was a good program. Thank you!

Is there a way I can catch a replay of the message I missed?

Have a happy new year!  It is something that you got to give your program on New Year's Eve!  

Have a good New Year's Eve.




Dear Doug and Don U2 are the sweetest most wonderful owners and producers I have ever known I'm grateful to have found you I wish you all the best in 2017 happy new year

~ Adena


Dear Doug and Don U2 are the sweetest most wonderful owners and producers I have ever known I'm grateful to have found you I wish you all the best in 2017 happy new year

~ Adena


Dear Doug and Don U2 are the sweetest most wonderful owners and producers I have ever known I'm grateful to have found you I wish you all the best in 2017 happy new year

~ Adena


Dear Doug and Don U2 are the sweetest most wonderful owners and producers I have ever known I'm grateful to have found you I wish you all the best in 2017 happy new year

~ Adena


Dear Doug and Don U2 are the sweetest most wonderful owners and producers I have ever known I'm grateful to have found you I wish you all the best in 2017 happy new year

~ Adena


Dear Doug and Don U2 are the sweetest most wonderful owners and producers I have ever known I'm grateful to have found you I wish you all the best in 2017 happy new year

~ Adena


Dear Doug and Don U2 are the sweetest most wonderful owners and producers I have ever known I'm grateful to have found you I wish you all the best in 2017 happy new year

~ Adena


Dear Doug and Don U2 are the sweetest most wonderful owners and producers I have ever known I'm grateful to have found you I wish you all the best in 2017 happy new year

~ Adena