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Just tuned into your radio show. Enjoyed your interview with Dr Jo. A very interesting author. From your interview and discussions Dr Jo speaks, and obviously writes, in an entertaining manner that both captures and engages her audience to achieve positive and healthy relationships between parents and all caregivers with the children in their care. Great advice to nurture resilience and well grounded individuals. 

~ Lindy R

Excellent show on October 4th on the election.

Refreshing or what!

Finally a truth teller.

It's been 3 & 1/2 years of waiting for me, for light workers to know the truth!

THANK YOU! Elizabeth Joyce! I personally appreciate your wise, light worker voice! 

~ Heidi

Hey Tracy, tried to join you live on the show today via zoom and it wouldn't let me in so now listening live to what is a wonderful. Well done and what a fabulous guest!

Hugs, Toni 

Great to hear your back! missed you on 710

~ Kelly W

PATRICK PLEASE BE ON every week or several days, MWF-we need to hear from thestrongest Republican leader

~ Mary

Enjoyed So much being on The Show last night: 6 July 2020

- Charles L

Thoroughly enjoying Dr. Houck’s podcast every a Tuesday evening.

~ Denise R

"A show with great chemistry, funny, smart and good for your wallet!" ~ a FAN!


This is to the two brothers who created BBS Radio.

I just wanted to thank you for all the work that you two have gone through to

put together one of the greatest spiritual and free thinking radio platforms

in the world.

The things I've been able to learn for the past 8 years from the hosts and

guests has been so out of this world.   I can never thank you enough for

inviting Lance White specifically to become a host.  Having listened to him

the most, and Timothy Glenn, I've become a different person.

I seriously would be far more lost if it weren't for both of you and everyone

that contributes to this website.

I'm not religious anymore, for well over a decade, and because of people like

you and many others out there on the internet, you've helped me open my eyes

to what I knew was a crazy world created for the few that meant to keep us

down.  I see clearer now.

 From the bottom of my hearts heart.  Thank you so much!



I want you both to know how much I appreciate all that you do.

Thank you. 
I love working with you.
~ Jennifer M

Thank you Julie for going on Peter Boyle’s show!  I miss hearing you guys and now I know where to find you!

~ Kelly W

Fantastic Show.  Absolutely magnifient.  I loved every word.......... and how often can someone say that?  Practical, Important, Impactful and Knowledgeable.

Tune in and GROW!

Thanks to you, (and your helpers) James.  I really appreciate your dedication and your way of informing us with clarity, caring, and a practical matter of fact attitude.  May you be abundantly blessed!

Peace & Joy,

~ Dale

Nice show! Very enjoyable! Chuck and Julie are great!

~ Bob

I have enjoy The Kathy Lee Parker Show

She has amazing guests that I absolutely love; and her interviewing style is absolutely brilliant! 

~ Sunny S

Dear Kathy and Douglas,

Wow!  Great interview!  Loved it!

Destiny had such a great time on your show again Kathy.

Hello Newsom Boys,
This is Marty Ford in New Jersey.
I am grateful and thankful everyday, however, and not because it is Thanksgiving, but because I was thinking about a few times in life that allowed me to spiritually prosper. At the top of the list was your welcoming me into your BBS Radio world.
You gave me an opportunity to have fun, vent my stuff and grow. 
You are role models and examples of conquering adversity, brought to you by nature, surviving through struggles and successfully returning to your BBS Radio passion.
My life was enhanced, enriched and yes empowered by my time on your airways. I just wish I could have done more for you during those difficult times.
Since then I have converted much of the material I used on the air into my Limited by Truth and Facts Serious and Silly Civil Community of Common Commentary Blog which is also fun, therapeutic and a bit enlightening.
So, at this time of Thanksgiving it is my time and responsibility to thank you for what you did for me by you doing what you do best and, as always, a little bit more.
You contributions help make the world a most desirous place to live.
Enjoy your family and turkey.
Power Up Your Power Cause The Power is in YOU!!!
Power Up,
Marty Ford 

Hello Dear One,

First I just want to take a moment to Thank you for doing your work upon this

planet.   You live stream information I know is not only being heard around

the world but also in the other dimensions.   Your Star Family members thank


~ Janice

Hi There,

My name is Anuj Agarwal, I'm the Founder of Feedspot.

I would like to personally congratulate you as your website A Fireside Chat with Lance White has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 30 Psychic Podcasts on the web.

I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 30 Psychic Podcasts on the internet and I'm honored to have you as part of this!

We'd be grateful if you can help us spread the word by briefly mentioning about the Top 30 Psychic Podcasts list in any of your upcoming post.

Please let me know.



PS: Try Feedspot for Marketers

Hello, I just wanted to say one day in 2010, I was asking  God about the city of Kamloops.I live in Kamloops at present.  What was the mystery about this city .. Then I started typing Queen abducted children  for no reason, that is when your name came up. I bought the book Unrepentant and listen to all your videos about the First Nations people.  I even went to the Kamloops Residential School after reading your book. That day was the day I discovered truth about Canada. I just wanted to let you know how I listen to your show. Thank you for speaking the truth.  I always wondered about the residential children, as my brother would invite some boys to his birthday party when we lived in Brandon Manitoba. Keep  revealing the truth.

~ Phyllis Corriveau