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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 15 May 2021

Eyes Can SEE with Empress Em Shar'on

Eyes Can SEE with Empress Em Shar'on
Talk Show:
Empress Em Shar'on

Eyes Can SEE Podcast is about waking up to identity theft of who Africans of the Diaspora truly are according to the KJV Bible and re-learning our true identity. It is a weekly broadcast on Fridays starting at 1:00 pm (PT). Em Shar'on discusses subjects on current events, laws and the slave codes and how some forms are still practiced today. Reparations, inheritance, the 2nd Exodus that is soon to take place now that our 400 years of servitude and punishment is over in the lands that we have been exiled to.

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

Eyes Can SEE , January 8, 2021 America 2021
Eyes Can SEE , January 1, 2021 Revealing the stolen identity & history of the Transatlantic slave descendants & the Indigenous Black Indians of America
Eyes Can SEE , December 25, 2020 Transatlantic Slave Descendants
Eyes Can SEE , December 11, 2020 with Empress Em' Sharon
Eyes Can SEE , November 27, 2020 Pagan Holidays
Eyes Can SEE , November 13, 2020 Hebrew 101 Colonialism, How They Did It
Eyes Can SEE , October 30, 2020 Hebrew Identity 101 /The Cross
Eyes Can SEE , October 16, 2020 We Have The Authority
Eyes Can SEE , October 2, 2020 A Lying Tongue
Eyes Can SEE , September 18, 2020 The System
Eyes Can SEE , September 4, 2020 Topic: The Coverup
Eyes Can SEE , August 28, 2020 Manifesting Demonic Spirits
Eyes Can SEE , August 21, 2020 Gentile Rule and The Controversy of Zion
Eyes Can SEE , August 14, 2020 The Two Covenants…
Eyes Can SEE , August 7, 2020 Witchcraft and the transatlantic slave trade
Eyes Can SEE , July 31, 2020 The End of 400 years, What Does It Mean?
Eyes Can SEE , May 22, 2020 A Future Expectation
Eyes Can SEE , May 15, 2020 Racism and the Church
Eyes Can SEE , May 8, 2020 How to Operate Spiritually
Eyes Can SEE , May 1, 2020 with Empress Em Shar'on
Sharon Davis aka Empress Em Shar'on Yisrael
Other Websites:
Spiritual and biblical teacher, singer and author

Sharon Green was brought up as a Christian and thought that she was a Gentile until a spiritual awakening happened to her.  After early retirement required her to endure multiple surgeries, she needed from late December 2014 to October 2016. During her recovery time, this book was born. She became aware of what had happened to her people via revelation knowledge and research.  She was given the spiritual name, Empress Em Shar'on Yisrael by God. She has been given the spirit of Deborah the Judge to sing and encourage her people the same way Deborah did in Judges 5:7-13. She has been called to wake up her people who have been spiritually asleep for 400 years. Em Shar'on wrote a book named Trees of Righteousness which tells the story of her people's existence since ancient times. She researched this information from the Apocryphal books, historical world books, the KJV Bible and visits to the local Archeology Museum, and numerous pictures detailing those times as evidence that proves who Africans of the Diaspora truly are. She is a spiritual and biblical teacher.