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Eyes Can SEE, May 1, 2020

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Eyes Can SEE
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with Empress Em Shar'on


Part 1: The Church and the Sabbath

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Part 2: Emsharonbook3

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Trees of Righteousness book, is the body of evidence that  identifies Africans of the Diaspora, as the descendants of the Children of Israel. 

Eyes Can SEE

Eyes Can SEE with Empress Em Shar'on
Show Host
Empress Em Shar'on

Eyes Can SEE Podcast is about waking up to identity theft of who Africans of the Diaspora truly are according to the KJV Bible and re-learning our true identity. It is a weekly broadcast on Fridays starting at 1:00 pm (PT). Em Shar'on discusses subjects on current events, laws and the slave codes and how some forms are still practiced today. Reparations, inheritance, the 2nd Exodus that is soon to take place now that our 400 years of servitude and punishment is over in the lands that we have been exiled to.

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