Featured Guest Interviews
July 28, 2014
Cosmic Consciousness Conduit, Healer, Spiritualist
Dorothy Lee Donahue is an author, life and…
July 28, 2014
Teacher, Author, Evolutionary Catalyst, Supporter of Souls, Sacred Music Producer, Narrator, Christ Conscious Practitioner
Inspiring, moving, and a breath of fresh air, Padma Aon has been teaching…
July 28, 2014
Founder, Healer, Mentoring, Soul Conscious Ignitor
Peta grew up in South Africa and coming from a tourism family, started…
August 02, 2014
Auctor, practitioner of IADC with PTSD
Allan L. Botkin earned his Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) degree from Baylor…
August 02, 2014
Director of Omega Wellness
Christopher Speed, MND, APO, is a tristate area based clinical nitritionist,…
July 29, 2014
Empath, Medical Intuitive, Founder of The Blending
Born with empathic abilities, Jerry uses his feelings to guide him on the…
July 24, 2014
Animal Communicator
Cindy Smith, Animal Communicator
Deepening the connections between people and…
July 24, 2014
Veterinarian, Writer, Lecturer, Author
Dr. Nancy Kay wanted to become a veterinarian for just about as long as she can…
July 24, 2014
Fergus F. Wallace Professor of Biomedical Sciences at Yale, Chairman of Dept. of Cell Biology, Director of Nanobiology Institute, Professor, 2013 Nobel Prize in winner, and multi award winner
James Edward Rothman (born November 3, 1950) is the Fergus F. Wallace Professor…