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Featured Guest Interviews

Sonia Barrett, from Spirit in Form
May 10, 2014
Author,Founder of Timeline Publishing & Media Relations,Publisher of Reality Bridge Magazine ,Coaching /Consultations
SONIA BARRETT Sonia Barrett is known for her cutting edge insights with much…
Robbie Holz
August 03, 2014
Speaker, author, wellness consultant
Robbie Holz is an international speaker, award-winning author and consultant…
Robert Shapiro
July 20, 2014
Trance Channel
I've been a Professional Trance Channel for thirty four years, preceded by 6 to…
Patricia Cota-Robles
July 13, 2014
Cofounder and president of New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
Patricia is cofounder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization…
James Gilliland, Minister, Counselor, Lecturer, Author, Contactee, Ufologist, Radio Host, Visionary, Humanitarian, Teacher, Energetic Healer, Conscious Channel, Broadcaster and Speaker
June 22, 2014
Minister, Counselor, Lecturer, Author, Contactee, Ufologist, Radio Host, Visionary, Humanitarian, Teacher, Energetic Healer, Conscious Channel, Broadcaster, Speaker
James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer,…
Chris Kehler
June 01, 2014
Quantum Energy Practitioner
Chris Kehler is a quantum energy practitioner/healer who specializes in finding…
June 03, 2014
Steve Richards
May 03, 2014
Aboriginal Shaman, Holographic Kinetics, Dreamtime Healer
Steve Richards, the Australian born-Aboriginal Shaman who created “…
Lois Weiner PhD
May 04, 2014
Professor, Writer, Activist, Blogger
On Sunday, May 25, 2014 - Professor Lois Weiner, PhD will be back - but from…
Michele Avanti
May 07, 2014
Master Astrologer
Michele Avanti has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She is a metaphysical…