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Featured Guest Interviews

Lordiel Palmer
April 09, 2014
Spiritual Practitioner
Lordiel host a regular radio show on blog talk radio, she is also a…
Peter Zalewski
April 15, 2014
Real Estate Consultant and special contributor to the Miami Herald and a real estate columnist for The Real Deal magazine
Peter Zalewski is a nonpracticing licensed real estate broker, consultant, and…
Scott Penwell
April 08, 2014
computer security expert
Since first learning of the binary system in grade school, Scott Penwell has…
Suzanne Caplan
April 08, 2014
author, business consultant, activist for aging
The Community Center for Aging in Place (CCAIP) has one major goal in mind:…
Dr Samuel Malave
April 05, 2014
Pastor, Chaplain for the Haines Police Department, President of Life University, Radio and TV Host
Dr. Samuel Malave planted three churches and has been a pastor for 28 years. He…
Maia Kincaid
April 03, 2014
Author, Animal Communicator, Transformational Coach, Nature Communicator
As a child Maia spent much of her time living in the world of nature,…
Reenie Panzini
April 06, 2014
Interfaith Minister
Rev. Reenie Panzini is a graduate of The New Seminary, and is dually ordained…
Leigh Steinberg
March 31, 2014
Sports Agent
Forbes has called Leigh Steinberg "the greatest sports agent in history."…
Malcolm Huckaby
March 31, 2014
ESPN College Basketball Analyst
Malcolm Huckaby is a College Basketball Analyst for ESPN.  Huckaby played…
Tom Kaypacha Lescher
April 05, 2014
Healer via astrology
Tom ‘Kaypacha’ Lescher has more than 35 years of experience as an astrologer…