We all have subpersonalities, and it doesn't mean you're schitzophrenic! What it means is that you have access to all different aspects of yourself, and this can be quite useful when you're conscious of it!
When you plan to do something, a part of you goes out and does it. In actually scheduling things (as opposed to just thinking about them), it sets an intention and set energy in motion for them to actually happen.
Things are getting faster. Time seems to be speeding up. It used to be that a second was the fastest measurement of time. Now it seems broken into nanoseconds. What is going on?
The high cost of a U.N. education for the children of Florida. Florida's future depends on our children's education. FL Legislators have sold out our children's future for MONEY.
With all the changes going on in today's world, there are Americans that CAN lead. Are you going to be a Victim? Or an Activist? Your family's future, and the future of our children...depends upon your choice!
Our brains are hard wired to feel others. When you experience pain, real or imagined the brain can not distinguished your own or others. We are truly One.
Let's use Consciousness to take small steps toward our goals.
Do you remember who you were and where you were one year ago?
Jeb Bush recently stated there were other "really cool things" he could be doing instead of running for POTUS. What could those things be? We look to Jeb's past for clues...
Whatever you want to do, be, or have, there's a parallel self already doing, being, or having. Step into that timeline and completely transform your life!