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Originator and Opinionator Columns
Who is the best cook? Old school or New school! Old school cooks use real ingredients. They cook from scratch. New school cooks at most use box products, because they don't engage in ingredients of their own.
Breaking News Release: Kevin Annett announces his candidacy in Canadian Federal Election: Veteran Activist to Campaign for "Sovereignty, Justice and Independence" for the Republican Party of Kanata in Winnipeg North Constituency - see youtube link and attached documents
Burke and others have been working in the #MeToo movement since 2006, providing support to survivors of sexual violence, with a particular focus on black women and low-income communities.
No matter how old they are, kids are often naturally hilarious and often truly love being told and telling jokes, particularly of the question-and-answer variety. But as much as you may want to foster their love of laughter, there are only so many ways to tell "why did the chicken cross the road?" or "knock, knock" jokes! Not to mention that plenty of children's jokes get stale quicklyâor, let's be honest, aren't even all that funny to begin with. Thankfully, there are jokes for kids that will actually make you laugh
Arrest this Canadian War Criminal, tomorrow and beyond!
Breaking News, July 11: Canadian Senator Larry Campbell is Summoned to Appear before Genocide Tribunal - Serial killer Willie Pickton, CSIS operative, former prostitute also issued Summons - see youtube link
Breaking News Communique from the International Tribunal for the Disappeared of Canada PLUS an Open Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Parenthood for persons who face children who have been assaulted sexually. The controversial topics of family court, DFPS and current concerns about healthy
The adultification of Black girls is additionally exacerbated by Americaâs inability to let Black children just be children, and propensity to inflict violence on to them. Itâs why cops confused 12-year-old Tamir Rice with an adult man before killing him and why they also perceived Tatyana Hargrove as a Black man before tackling and beating her. This adultification not only hinders Black girlsâ childhoods, therefore, but reiterates the social practices that punish us more, give us less emotional support, and push us into the school-to-prison pipeline. As Epstein told NPR, âAs girls are forming their view of the world and their place in it and their relationship to others, they are getting this feedback that they don't need nurturing or protection. And that's likely to very much affect their long-term outcomes, including their outlook on life as adults.â