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CENSORED NEWS, September 3, 2019: The Crime and Concealment of Genocide in Nanaimo, British Columbia

Nanaimo Indian Hospital, circa 1948
CENSORED NEWS, September 3, 2019 The Crime and Concealment of Genocide in Nanaimo, British Columbia

CENSORED NEWS, September 3, 2019: The Crime and Concealment of Genocide in Nanaimo, British Columbia


The Crime and Concealment of Genocide in Nanaimo, British Columbia


This article about experimentation on native children at the Nanaimo Indian Hospital (NIH) was banned by the senior administration of Vancouver Island University (VIU), which is situated next to the site of the former hospital. The article was initially printed in the campus student newspaper, The Navigator, in December of 2017. Within a day, every copy of that issue was seized by campus security. That same month, a play depicting the crimes at the NIH was cancelled in the midst of its production in Duncan, B.C. after intervention by local state-funded native "chiefs". The evidence in this article is found at .




Who and What is Buried next door to Vancouver Island University?

Genocide in our own Backyard


I was used like a guinea pig in the Nanaimo Indian Hospital for over seven years. Lots of children died in there and they're still lying out in that field somewhere. 

- Joan Morris, NIH survivor, speaking at Malaspina College (VIU), March 2004


Look to the south of the VIU campus across Fifth Street and you'll see a tangle of foliage behind stern barbed wire fencing. For over half a century this was the site of the Nanaimo Indian Hospital (NIH), a prison-like experimental center run by the United Church of Canada and the Canadian military. Survivors claim and records confirm that hundreds of children died or disappeared at the NIH in the course of grisly medical experiments.


"They were all aboriginals kids like me, grabbed off the reserves or out of the residential schools" describes Joan Morris, a Songhees native woman from Victoria who was incarcerated at the NIH when she was five years old.


"The Indian Affairs doctor lied to my mother and said I had TB when I didn't. They took me to Nanaimo and kept me in the hospital until I was a teenager. They were always giving me shots and things to drink that made me sick. They'd do surgeries on me. They broke all the bones in my feet and removed parts of me. I found out later I couldn't have children. They sterilized a lot of Indian girls in there."


Joan first went public with her story in the spring of 2004 at two public forums held at VIU, then called Malaspina College. At these forums Joan named some of the men who experimented on her, like local doctors called Weinrib and Schmidt, who received funding from the government Defense Research Board in the 1960's and '70's. Shortly after Joan spoke to scant audiences at Malaspina College, the remaining buildings still standing next to the campus were bulldozed down by the City of Nanaimo and the area was padlocked, as it still is.


"They were always warning us never to talk about what happened to us" describes Joan. "When the hospital closed down two army officers came to our home and said we'd go to jail if we talked about anything because it was all national security."


This kind of overt government censorship went further. In the spring of 1999, shortly after the media briefly reported other allegations about the NIH, the federal government "officially sealed" its archives on the NIH and all other Indian hospitals across Canada. 


Nevertheless, separate records held at the UBC Koerner Library that were surfaced by Kevin Annett reveal that the NIH received major funding from both the Defense Research Board in Ottawa and the United Church of Canada, whose medical missionaries like George Darby ran similar centers in Alert Bay and Bella Bella, B.C. The purpose of the funding was to conduct "classified experimental research" on generations of aboriginal women and children, including involuntary drug testing, sterilization procedures and mind control experiments.


"Lots of people died in there" says Joan. "Every morning they took little dead bodies out on those metal gurneys. My cousin Nancy Joe saw them bury or burn up those kids in the field behind us, up near the highway."


Esther Morris, a distant relative of Joan, was also incarcerated at the NIH against her will. In 2007 she too went public.


"They kept me tied up and strapped into a machine. I was put in a weird chamber where I could never lie down or stand up, just held that way for months" says Esther. "I lost the use of my legs. An orderly said it was for space research. It was weird because some of the doctors couldn't speak English, they needed translators."


The Nanaimo Indian Hospital was the tip of an iceberg of state and church - sponsored medical genocide that spans a century across Canada and has never been prosecuted. Many of these atrocities are documented in the book Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada(Amazon, 2016, and a compilation of over twenty years of independent research. 


Sarah Modeste of the Cowichan Nation was sterilized involuntarily at the King's Daughters Clinic in Duncan, B.C. in 1954 by Dr. James Goodbrand. As Sarah describes in Murder by Decree,


"Dr. Goodbrand told me, 'Sarah, if you marry Freddy I'll have to do an operation on you because he's not a Christian.' So later after Goodbrand delivered my first baby I was bruised and hurting. Then I found out I'd been sterilized. Goodbrand told me he was being paid $300 by the government for every Indian woman he sterilized."


Involuntary sterilizations and medical experiments have been illegal under International Law since 1948, and are defined as Crimes against Humanity. Yet Canada and the Catholic, Anglican and United Church perpetrated those crimes over generations and then whitewashed the atrocities and absolved themselves of any liability for them. Not one person has ever been charged or tried, let alone jailed, for causing such barbarity and death on little children in Indian hospital and residential schools, from where over half of the inmates never returned.


Although Joan Morris and the dead children of the NIH have never had their day in a Canadian court, they received some recognition at an historic trial in Brussels during 2012 and 2013. Based in part on Joan's testimony and those of dozens of other survivors of the Canadian Holocaust, the International Common Law Court of Justice found Canada, its churches, the Crown of England and the Vatican guilty of crimes against humanity. 

(See ,  "Proceedings of the ICLCJ Trial").


As a result of this verdict and under International Law, Canadians are obligated not to fund or associate with convicted criminal bodies, like their own government, the named churches and institutions like Vancouver Island University that aid and abet the concealment of genocide. Such funding and association constitutes collusion in such crimes.


Whatever happens, the atrocities remain, and cannot be "apologized” for or compensated by the guilty parties, who stand guilty and liable as convicted. The lost children of the Nanaimo Indian Hospital are waiting to be found and brought home for a proper burial and recognition. And the students, faculty and staff of Vancouver Island University must ask themselves how they can dwell alongside and remain accessories to mass murder in their own backyard: a crime that if not confronted will only continue.


Published on September 3, 2019 by concerned local residents in conjunction with the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)


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Joan Morris, with picture of the Nanaimo Indian Hospital