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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Life Changes Show Guest, Indy Rishi Singh September 30, 2019
Neuroplastician and a social innovator


Indy Rishi Singh is a neuroplastician and a social innovator. He was recently honored as an Emerging Leader by the City of Los Angeles. Indy is currently developing a wellbeing artificial intelligence.

He enjoys bringing mindfulness and meditation practices to local institutions, nurses, underserved youth in schools and marginalized communities, and Fortune 500 companies seeking to shift their culture to one prioritizing mental health, joyfulness and wellness. Indy has traveled the world studying integrative modalities and philosophies with some of the greatest teachers and facilitators. 

Indy was recently recognized by ABC7 local news after launching a Wellness Series for the San Francisco Police Department! Check out the video clips and links below to learn more about Indy’s work in the Bay Area and around the world.

Bringing Intimacy Back Guest, Paola Rodriguez LMHC CST October 10, 2019

In the past 15 years of my career I have received certified training in multiple modes of therapy including cognitive behavioral therapy, couples counseling, sex therapy and group therapies. As a bilingual, bi-cultural therapist, I enjoy working with people of diverse ethnic backgrounds, cultures, gender, and sexual orientations. My approach to therapy is founded on the belief that people can change aspects of their life that no longer accurately represent who they are or how they want to be perceived by others.

I work with each individual to modify thinking patterns to maintain positive self-value over the course of their lives despite of what kind of challenges face them. I aim to create a safe space for positive and long lasting change.

I believe in the power of choice, and focus on strengthening the willingness to improve and succeed. I believe that accepting help is not a weakness but a great competitive advantage. And you don't have to do it on your own. Welcome to your journey!!

Words Women and Wisdom Show Guest, Dr. Rhoberta Shaler October 01, 2019
The Relationship Help Doctor

Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, The Relationship Help Doctor, provides urgent and ongoing care for relationships in crisis. Her mission is to provide the insights, information, and inspiration for clients and audiences to know why and how to transform relationship with themselves and with other humans to be honest, respectful, and safe in all ways. Even the United States Marines have sought her help!

An active member of the Evolutionary Business Council (as am I) which has a combined Member reach of 400 Million+, Dr. Rhoberta Shaler is well known and respected for her transformational work globally.

She is also the Author of sixteen books including "Escaping the Hijackal Trap" and "Stop! That’s Crazy-Making", she hosts two popular podcasts: Transforming Relationship with Emotional Savvy: The Relationship Help Show and Save Your Sanity: Help for Toxic Relationships. Her YouTube channel, ForRelationshipHelp, has reached over 275,000 views.

Shadow Politics Guest, Derek McGinty September 29, 2019
Journalist, an award-winning Interviewer and Commentator

Derek McGinty is a journalist, an award-winning interviewer and a commentator. He got his first job on the air back in 1984 at WHUR radio in Washington DC. From there he went to WAMU-FM where he launched a nationally syndicated daytime talk show on NPR. By the end of the century he’d been a correspondent on the CBS broadcast Public Eye with Bryant Gumbel and HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel.

After two years in New York as anchor of ABC’s World News Now and World News This Morning, It was back to his hometown of Washington DC to anchor WUSA’s fledgling 7pm local newscast.

At WAMU 88.5 FM, Derek launched a nationally syndicated daytime talk show on National Public Radio. By the end of the century he’d been a correspondent on the CBS broadcast Public Eye with Bryant Gumbel and HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel. 

After two years in New York as anchor of ABC’s World News Now and World News This Morning, it was back to his hometown of Washington, DC to anchor WUSA*9’s fledgling 7:00 pm local newscast. 

In all those incarnations Derek has believed that ideas matter more than ideology, so after leaving WUSA in 2015, he launched a website in hopes of keeping the conversation going. 


The Veterans News Hour Guest, Mike Partain September 30, 2019
Co-founder and spokesman, "The Few, The Proud, The Forgotten"

I am Mike Partain, a co-founder and public spokesman for an organization called "The Few, The Proud, the Forgotten."  From 1953 until 1987, the base water supply for Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, was highly contaminated with industrial chemicals. For the past decade I have served as a community representative to the estimated one million Sailors, Marines and their families potentially affected by the Camp Lejeune contamination. I have testified twice in Congress and I am recognized as an expert on those issues.  I was invited as a special guest to the White House in 2012, for the signing of the Janey Ensminger Act into law. Much of our fight for justice was chronicled in the award winning documentary "Semper Fi: Always Faithful."

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