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War Report On The Road – NYC – Call to Educational Justice - Lean in

Please join internet radio host Dr. James Avington Miller Jr. this Sunday as he reports live from NYC in the first of his report on “The People’s Story.”

This week Dr. Miller will be talking about the “Call to Educational Justice” event in NYC taking place on Saturday. The event was planned to be a strategy-focused day to respond to privatization, high-stakes testing, and increasing segregation in our schools and communities.

An excerpt from the promotional information:

“In New York State, the implementation of Common Core and high stakes testing have created unprecedented inequity. Test and punish policies disproportionately affect students of color, students with disabilities, English Language Learners and students living in poverty. School communities, from early childhood to higher education, survive on varying spectrums of the public school system, the most dire being school closures in the poorest communities. The root forces of compliance based policies and unyielding standardization have left very little room for common sense in collaborative problem solving. Parents, students, teachers, administrators, professors and concerned citizens have pulled together to uncover, expose and demand the source of inequities be put to an end.”

Dr. Miller will also be outlining his current road trip for his very special project – “The People’s Story".

Here is the link to The People’s Story -

Here is the link to the Call to Educational Justice event -

“An educator in a system of oppression is either a revolutionary or an oppressor.” Lerone Bennett Jr.