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Dr Michael C Irving
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Living From The Heart to Live For The Heart with Host Sheryl Hirsch-Kramer and Michael C. Irving, Ph. D.

What shows up for you when you hear the word "heart?"  Is heart physical?  Is heart emotional?  Is heart spiritual?   Is heart a combination of or something more than these individual categories?  Michael Irving, Ph. D, of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, has committed himself to the mission of educating others how to prevent and reverse heart disease.  He practices what he preaches, having survived a series of significant cardiovascular events including bypass surgery and having transformed the way he lives his life.   In his mid-sixties, he is now a frequent marathon runner, he looks and feels terrific, and he enjoys a high quality of life.  Dr. Irving will share his story with us, offer his twelve wisdoms for a healthy heart, and much more.  We invite you to join us for an episode of "Catalytic Radio" that is straight from and for the heart.