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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth Guest, Sharon Green aka Empress Em Sharon Yisrael January 27, 2020
Author of Trees of Righteousness, Motivational Speaker,Artist, and Podcast Host

WARRIOR QUEEN! Empress Em' Sharon Yisrael is the Author of Trees of Righteousness; a book based on biblical facts about who African American people are, and what destiny holds for them. Her MISSION is to educate the world about the stolen identity of the slave descendant from the African Diaspora in the form of one-of-a-kind works of art and information.

Sharon Green is her earthly name. Empress Em Sharon Yisrael is her spiritual name appointed to her by God. Empress Em Sharon has biblical knowledge about the true identity of Africans of the Diaspora.

She was a Christian her whole life until she came into biblical prophetic knowledge on this people’s identity. She then became an expert on the subject taken from a biblical point of view.

Empress Em Sharon has been given a spiritual assignment by YHWH, our Heavenly Father to tell the world about the true identity of the Africans of the Diaspora. She was raised in the church and grew up in the knowledge of the Bible in her adult years.

She experienced many surgeries in her body between 2014 and 2017. During her healing time,  she was given her book to write about the true identity of Africans of the Diaspora. Next, she received a strong unction to put that information into songs. She then became a songwriter and started to write music. She is also the host of an internet radio show Eyes Can SEE where she enlightens her audience on a weekly basis.

Sharon Green is a Motivational Speaker who host workshops and an author who teaches from the book, Trees of Righteousness. She is also an artist who performs music from her Cd War Cry. Sharon designs beautiful hand-crafted jewelry and accessories.

Words Women and Wisdom Show Guest, Melinda Wittstock January 07, 2020
Serial Entrepreneur in Media, Social Intelligence,Tech and acclaimed Podcaster

Melinda Wittstock
CEO & Founder, Wings Media
Melinda is a serial entrepreneur who has built 4 businesses to 6, 7 and 8 figures and is now building her 5th - the innovative podcast network and audience engagement platform Wings Media.  An acknowledged visionary in tech, media, mobile platforms and social content, Melinda also hosts the fast growing "Wings Of...Inspired Business" podcast - ranked #8 of 20 by Entrepreneur Magazine in January 2020 - and she helps business owners and entrepreneurs launch magnetic and profitable podcasts. Also a passionate advocate for women entrepreneurs and conscious capitalism, Melinda's mission is to catalyze an ecosystem where women #liftasweclimb by mentoring each other, buying from each other and investing in each other. She hosts the transformational luxury retreats "Wings of The Empowered Women" as well as the online mastermind and coaching platform Wings of Success. Formerly an award-winning journalist and TV anchor for the BBC, ABC News, CNBC/Financial Times Television and MSNBC, Melinda created and grew a BBC show to a 20 million audience and also innovated one of the first crowd-sourcing mobile apps, growing unique users to 3 million in 8 months.  Steve Jobs told her she "asked the best questions" when she interviewed him as a 24-year-old correspondent of the Times of London. She was also the CEO and Founder of Verifeed, the social intelligence platform assuring a Return on Authenticity™ from social media engagement. A practitioner of meditation, yoga, visualization, gratitude and intention-setting, Melinda is passionate about encouraging conscious leadership and evolved entrepreneurship using business as a canvas to solve global challenges. Her travels have taken her to many exotic places including Sir Richard Branson's Necker Island and the Amazon Rainforest. She's a loving mom to two teenagers and a golden retriever. She is a sought-after keynote speaker and has spoken at SXSW, Google, Fidelity Investments, Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, Georgetown University, Columbia University, Underground Online Seminar, Pinnacle Global Network and many more, including doing standup comedy at Caroline's on Broadway!
SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth Guest, Claudiu Murgan January 20, 2020
Claudiu Murgan, published author of two novels: The Decadence of Our Souls, and Water Entanglement

Claudiu is a published author of two novels: The Decadence of Our Souls, and Water Entanglement.

The Decadence of Our Souls is about how we can become better human beings through meditation, introspection, and faith. The Decadence of Our Souls is his first novel, highlighting his belief in a potentially better world if the meanings of Love, Gratitude and Empathy could be understood by all of our brothers and sisters. Claudiu also developed a workshop called 'Refocus a Pathless Life Through Deepened Spirituality' that follows the main character through his own hurdles.

His second book is called, Water Entanglement, in which he talks about what happens when water awakens and starts punishing us for our misdeeds vis-a-vis the environment.

Claudiu Murgan was born in Romania and has called Canada home since 1997. He is a graduate of the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest and during his university years he was involved in the Romanian fandom, writing and organizing local events. He also participated at Science-Fiction conventions in both Europe and North America, meeting contemporary writers with the utmost impact on this genre.

He received several awards for his short stories and novellas that were published in SF Journal and Science & Technology Magazine. Claudiu was a member of the Friends of the Merrill Collection in Toronto, organizing the first Science-Fiction art show in the association's history.


Water Entanglement

When will we understand that water has memory, water is alive and the time for her to awaken is NOW? What will humanity do if the scarcity of water becomes a reality and not just a subject for movies? Why can’t we comprehend that we are made of structured water and that by disrespecting the water, we disrespect ourselves?

The creation of earth, water and crystals have weaved their paths into a billion-year-long tapestry that has captured the cycles of nature’s evolution. It has observed the appearance of humans and their troubled, but fascinating development, and the energies and vibrations of everything that is part of this amazing eco-system.In 2055 water activists are fighting against irresponsible corporations that pillage the earth.

Hayyin, the hidden identity of Cherry Mortinger, a limnologist, is leading the movement. Will she be able to prove that water has memory and is alive and that we could awaken to the possibility of facing a fierce battle against the primordial element that gave us life: WATER?

Although many are not willing to accept that water has memory and is alive, this book awakens us to the possibility of fighting a fierce battle against the primordial element that gave us life: WATER.

Water Entanglement is a gripping story of the disorder that is caused by the Earth’s inhabitants' disrespect for water. The intriguing plot takes us through futuristic events. Water needs to be rationed leading to a catastrophic worldwide phenomenon. Water Entanglement leaves us with an awakening message for us all about our relationship with water. It pulls us in to rethink about our connection with water and the power of water - Susan Ksiezopolski

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth Guest, TIPPY FELZENSTEIN January 20, 2020
Author, and advocate for a more powerful life and spiritual awakening.

From the Heart of Jerusalem to the Hollywood Elite, Tippy tumbled between a plan to succeed and the punches that forced her off track. Finally, the abuse grew too big, and she gave up on life wishing only for one end it all, and just die.

"Be careful about what you wish because you probably will get it"

Someone told her that, but she did not really believe it. But, the

Law Of Attraction does not need you to believe in it --in order to function, and her wish came true, and death was knocking on her door. Actually, death claimed for a bit, and she surrendered to it, but love forced Tippy to return to her broken body and put Humpty Dumpty together again!


Author of Wake up and Plan for Roses. You’re going to die with or without a plan, but don’t do it without this book! To plan or not to plan? That is the question. As a result of a near-fatal car accident, that Tippy endured, she was shocked and dismayed to discover that it was all planned, BY HER!

Almost every bone in her body broke when her car flew off a highway nicknamed “Death Alley” (Highway 126 CA) and into the abyss. She woke up at the bottom of the mountain, paralyzed and helpless. She had to re-evaluate her entire life. Her memoir invites you to discover how you are planning all those things you don’t want in your life. More importantly, it guides you to transform your life by living according to your plan. It points you in the direction of a major “Planning Makeover.” A plan for the rosy future of your dreams.

Tippy is also the Author of Manifestation Resistance. It's a short book that reveals dozens of ways people unknowingly make their lives more difficult.

19 common things that are keeping YOU from getting what you want

  • 9 quick & easy solutions for drastically faster manifestations

  • 8 myths about success that are holding you back

  • 7 ways to save yourself from bad Neuro-Linguistic programming (NLP)

  • 6 behaviors you must stop right away

  • Plus, TONS of insight and inspiration from some of the greatest teachers in the world


Tippy is an author, a talk show host, and a motivator. She specializes in overcoming difficult situations and healing through storytelling. She earned her B.A. from Brooklyn College and went on to acquire her real estate license in California. She helped victims of the real estate crash in 2008 when thousands were underwater. Tippy is dedicated to helping people pursue and accomplish their goals. She is currently working on principals for higher living.

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth Guest, Aminah Ramezany January 29, 2020
Motivational Speaker, Pet Psychic and Trainer

Motivational Speaker, Pet Psychic, and Trainer

With so many ways to say the same thing, have you thought about how you communicate with family, friends, co-workers, &/or difficult people? Most likely yes. Let's add another layer. How do you communicate with nature, animals, the world? Pet Psychic & Communicator Aminah, will show you the layers of communication that all of us have. How to do and be better at not only sending out your messages but maybe, & more importantly, receiving the correct messages.

Hearing the passion in which Aminah speaks is a joy because she adds her lifelong experiences in hearing the animals, flowers, and the world speaks. Quote: "All my life I have spoken to and heard the animals, plants, people, & earth. When I was very young I just thought everyone did but quickly realized this was not the case as no one seemed to "see" and "hear" what I did. Now, having spent a lifetime working hands-on with all types of pets, exotic animals, trained, worked in veterinarian care, actively involved in promoting rescue services, teaching co-existing, besides all my experience with nature in all forms, it is humbling to get to share all this knowledge with others.”

Aminah's Story

"All my life I have spoken to and heard the animals. When I was very young I just thought everyone did but quickly realized this was not the case as no one seemed to "see" and "hear" what I did. Having spent a lifetime working hands-on with all types of "pets",  exotic animals, trained, worked in veterinarian care, and been actively involved in promoting rescue services, it is humbling to now get to share all this knowledge with others. By helping to read other people's animals is now the way I share this magical gift so they too can "hear" their furry children. Every reading is different, as we and our pets are all unique. Join me as I travel the world, help others, grow in knowledge, and every day help the animals."

Aminah's Gift

"I imagine every psychic is different, so for me, my best connection is You. Your relationship/tie to your pet, living or not, is my connection to you both. That is why I do not need to have us all in the same place or even the same plain. Let me help you strengthen that bond with a better understanding for you both."

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