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Author, Talk Show Host, and Motivator
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Author, and advocate for a more powerful life and spiritual awakening.
Guest Biography

From the Heart of Jerusalem to the Hollywood Elite, Tippy tumbled between a plan to succeed and the punches that forced her off track. Finally, the abuse grew too big, and she gave up on life wishing only for one end it all, and just die.

"Be careful about what you wish because you probably will get it"

Someone told her that, but she did not really believe it. But, the

Law Of Attraction does not need you to believe in it --in order to function, and her wish came true, and death was knocking on her door. Actually, death claimed for a bit, and she surrendered to it, but love forced Tippy to return to her broken body and put Humpty Dumpty together again!


Author of Wake up and Plan for Roses. You’re going to die with or without a plan, but don’t do it without this book! To plan or not to plan? That is the question. As a result of a near-fatal car accident, that Tippy endured, she was shocked and dismayed to discover that it was all planned, BY HER!

Almost every bone in her body broke when her car flew off a highway nicknamed “Death Alley” (Highway 126 CA) and into the abyss. She woke up at the bottom of the mountain, paralyzed and helpless. She had to re-evaluate her entire life. Her memoir invites you to discover how you are planning all those things you don’t want in your life. More importantly, it guides you to transform your life by living according to your plan. It points you in the direction of a major “Planning Makeover.” A plan for the rosy future of your dreams.

Tippy is also the Author of Manifestation Resistance. It's a short book that reveals dozens of ways people unknowingly make their lives more difficult.

19 common things that are keeping YOU from getting what you want

  • 9 quick & easy solutions for drastically faster manifestations

  • 8 myths about success that are holding you back

  • 7 ways to save yourself from bad Neuro-Linguistic programming (NLP)

  • 6 behaviors you must stop right away

  • Plus, TONS of insight and inspiration from some of the greatest teachers in the world


Tippy is an author, a talk show host, and a motivator. She specializes in overcoming difficult situations and healing through storytelling. She earned her B.A. from Brooklyn College and went on to acquire her real estate license in California. She helped victims of the real estate crash in 2008 when thousands were underwater. Tippy is dedicated to helping people pursue and accomplish their goals. She is currently working on principals for higher living.