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Viviane Chauvet
Your Pitch

We were vendors at Contact in the Desert, and connected with James Gillian during the speakers banquet. He showed me some impressive pictures of ET. encounters. Our meeting resonated with me because I am an Arcturian hybrid and a conscious interstellar channel. My parents have had C5 level contact before and after my birth. I am the founder and owner of Infinite Healing from the Stars, and utilise my gifts to help people and the planet to heal and ascend.


Viviane has been interviewed worldwide as an Arcturian hybrid, Cosmic ambassador, interstellar consciousness channel, holographic healer, and spiritual teacher. She is the founder and owner of Infinite Healing from the Stars, and co-owner of Energies of Service. Viviane has collaborated with j3FILMS as a hybrid consultant on their documentary "Extraordinary: The Seeding", and will be featured on their upcoming documentary. We are on a mission of peace and assistance to all sentient lifeforms. Viviane and her Team oversees the re-ascension project currently unfolding on Earth.