Dear Galactic Connection, allow me to introduce myself. I am International Metaphysical Reverend John M. Polk,
You have a brilliant network and impressive website. I’d love to be a guest on your show. Please feel free to review my bio below. For more information, the best way to research me is to go my website which will include my bio, background, videos, pictures, podcasts, some of my book excerpts, talking points and more. One very important item that is not mentioned on the site is that I was the opening speaker at Experiencers Speak 4, August 28 & 29, 2015. I conducted a seance and ritual designed to summon extra dimensionals, spirits and ET. It worked. Four human like visitors, two with grayish blue skin, appeared and began speaking with 12 or more attendees and myself. I was the first person they approached and the visitors spoke with me the most. There were at least 12-15 witnesses of this incredible encounter. Additionally, I am a cohost and coproducer of aquarianradio, a consultant for Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s FREE, the Foundation For Research Into Extraterrestrial Encounters experiencer .org and Starborn Support International founded by Audrey Starborn Hewins. Please contact me at your earliest convenience and hopefully we can figure out a show date that works for both of us.
Raleigh, North Carolina
Education And Credentials:
*Ancient Alien Astronaut Theorist - Bible Aliens.
* Author, “Yahweh, The Biblical God, Is An Alien” Available on E Book and, a division of Amazon, in paperback. Go to for more info.
* Cohost & Coproducer every Friday 8-10 pm EST. Numerous shows archived.
1) Plus, countless guest appearances on other radio shows and networks.
* Opening Speaker Experiencers Speak 4 & Starborn Support International, UFO Conference August 28, 2015.
* International Metaphysical Minister, University of Sedona.
* B. A. Metaphysics, University of Sedona.
* Reiki Master/Teacher Usui Reiki.
* B. A. Broadcasting, Concord College, Athens, WV.
* Founder, Wolf Spirit Ministries, LLC.
* Consultant for Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s FREE, The Foundation For Research Into Extraterrestrial Encounters
1) Twitter account manager.
2) Peer in the Peer Support Program. (I speak with experiencers and abductees as a friend, not a counselor.)
I’m An Experiencer
Growing up in a three story condo on the ocean in Daytona Beach set the stage for a lifetime of abductions for me to come. One night when I was 15 years old, I was lying in bed while listening to the crashing waves that served as a kind of soothing lullaby. Next thing I knew, I opened my eyes to see three greys looking in through my sliding glass door. Like little kids, they were pressing their heads against the glass and before I knew what happened, they were in my room without opening the door. Then, a light captured my attention as it bounced off the rolling waves. Exceedingly bright was this light cascading into my bedroom, however it was not blinding to gaze upon. Just then, I blacked out and awoke the next day thinking it was all a dream. Later that day, I began experiencing discomfort in my private areas and soon arrived at the conclusion that I had undergone a procedure or operation. A few days removed, the pain subsided and I went about life as if nothing extraordinary had occurred. Shortly thereafter, I began writing a book of poetry entitled, ”Beyond Oblivion, Through The Crevices In Between.”
Back in 1985, I wrote off the encounter as if it was a dream but then in 2010, I started to relive it and other encounters through flashback visions, just like quick clips from a movie montage. Eventually, I came to the sobering realization that I had been abducted numerous times and it took me until age 40 to pop my alien memory cap and remember. From then on, my blind folded past started to bleed through into my conscious mind and I started seeing ET's and UFO's unlike ever before.
As I am a medium, I began questioning my guides and digging deep into my subconscious in search of extraterrestrial answers. What I found exceeded all my supernatural expectations. The aliens chose me to see them and their spacecrafts for the rest of my life.
I am an experiencer and abductee who communicates with the other side. Navigating the Astral Plane since I was a teenager has always been exciting and adventurous for me. The one thing I failed to realize is that not only am I in contact with spiritual entities, but I'm also channeling extraterrestrials telepathically. Enoch, the scribe of the gods, and Yahweh, masquerading as God in the Bible and Enlil of the Anunnaki are the three that send me the most information.
Now, facing my greatest fears, I'm coming out of the closet to let Experiencers from all around the world know that you are not alone. The best thing for all of us is to share our encounters with others because as the word spreads, more experiencers will speak out as the fear ridicule will rapidly diminish. Plus, the spoken word manifests an abundance of energies that enables the Earth and us Earthlings to ascend closer to the light and enlightenment. So now, let us all join hands together within the collective God consciousness that we are all a part of and reach out to foundations like Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s FREE, The Foundation For Research Into Extraterrestrial Encounters and Starborn Support International who are here to help us.