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Rebecca DAwson
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The Agreement

By Rebecca Dawson

Humanity's Shift to a Multi-Dimensional Experience is Upon Us - Are We Ready?

What Does It Mean for Us Individually and Collectively? How Can We Be Present and Powerful in this transition? How can we create our new reality?

Finding Our True Freedom in Living from the Cosmic Mind 


So many of us have come to understand and acknowledge that we are the expression of one universal force, all part of the "oneness." But what would change if we really began to live and experience life from that place of totality, not from the duality--that separation--that has marked our current reality?   

In reading Rebecca Dawson's remarkable book The Agreement, you will begin to grasp the infinite power available to us when we do, in fact, come into awareness and agreement of our true existence and how the world we experience will then come into agreement with us and who we truly are. 

This is not merely speculation. It is the information provided directly to Dawson by The Masters, aspects of Source that are committed to helping mankind prepare for the shift to a multi-dimensional reality that is already unfolding. 

By withdrawing our attention from our current "holographic reality" and belief structure, and focusing on the awareness of the Cosmic Mind that is our true nature and vantage point to the multi-dimensional reality, we allow for "knowing" and creation to arise. When we operate consciously from this point of totality, this "felt sense", then manifestation can be instantaneous and beyond any expectation. 

But that manifestation isn't about financial riches and materialism - for materialism is already known. It's about creating what humanity has not yet known - what facilitates humanity to understand its true nature of limitlessness. It's about true freedom. When you come into alignment, the outer world falls into agreement with you. It is an awesome power, and it can only be known by going inward to experience Source as yourself. 

These are some of the key messages that are urgently being brought forward by Dawson, who has been channeling the wisdom of The Masters for more than 25 years. An internationally renowned teacher and author, Dawson first experienced emersion in the Cosmic Consciousness while sitting on a balcony in Bali, where she had gone to seek entry to this unfathomable expansion. For days she meditated and sat in silence seeking the doorway in. And it didn't come. Angry and frustrated she gave up-and in that moment, the illumination came. 

But after many years, bringing the wisdom and knowledge of The Masters forward, it is now that they are urging her she must step up to help us prepare for this imminent shift, unlike anything that has happened for humanity since 340,000 years ago. It is preparing us for a deconstruction of the exterior world and belief system as we know it-signs of which can be seen all around us in the chaos, uncertainty and disruption we are all experiencing right now. While it is a time of endings, it also a time for the exhilarating embrace of a new era of humanity as we return to ourselves, our acknowledgement of our infinite existence, and our multi-dimensional awareness and perspective. We are awakening to our 5th dimensional reality. The Agreement is the roadmap of how to consciously exist within this evolution.

The book takes readers on a journey to explore the power of Agreement within the five pillars of human experience: the body, emotions, thought, relationships and belief.

Dawson, who lives and works in Australia, is offering us a new way to experience life as Source. The Agreement is a profound mandate for us to return to this level of consciousness, and play our contributory role in the transition of all of humanity.

Rebecca Dawson is a powerful interview who can simplify these deep concepts in a way that will be accessible to your listeners, and open the extraordinary possibilities awaiting them.

If you would like to interview Rebecca Dawson on the extraordinary revelations of The Agreement, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the call-in details.


Rebecca Dawson is an international channeller, speaker and author based in Perth AUS, who has been in practice for more than 25 years. After facilitating over 2000 private consultations, Rebecca’s focus in the last seven years has been on the research and understanding of the shifts that are occurring for Earth and Humanity.

Her journey began at 18, after a startlingly and spontaneously becoming a channel for information and wisdom, for a collective she calls “The Masters.” It wasn’t part of her life plan. Rebecca was enthusiastically studying to become an architect. As she notes, “I was in for a huge learning curve – with no instruction manual. And no one is going to encourage an 18 year old to quit studies and become a channel….except divine consciousness!”

As a result of her gifts, she has developed an ability to acutely observe the human energy field, which has led to an interest in the mapping and documenting of the changes occurring in the human energy field, and understanding how these changes impact upon human capacity, functionality and experience of Life.  Many hours of clinical observation and hundreds of accompanying channelled documents are revealing the synchronicity and pattern of change that is sweeping across humanity, and the planet itself.

Rebecca is now devoted to bringing this information into accessibility, so that humanity can start to have a conscious understanding of what is happening, why it is happening, and what can be created from this emerging capacity.  With the assistance of her team of Masters, Rebecca facilitates workshops and events around the world that allow more understanding to occur, and more information to emerge. Her first book “The New Human Experience” addressed these initial observations.

But after 25 years of relaying this information to humanity—both individually and through workshops, corporate presentations and speaking opportunity—there is  renewed urgency, according to The Masters. Humanity is in the midst of making a massive consciousness shift that is becoming more evident daily—a shift that will have us living and experiencing life from that place of totality—oneness--not from the duality-- that separation that has marked our current reality.  

Her new book, The Agreement, has been written to help us ease into that place of highly elevated conscious awareness, and prepare us to undertake this shift. It’s a roadmap for embracing life from this new level of Cosmic Mind.

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