I am the author and publisher of the novel Wet Goddess: Recollections of a Dolphin Lover, the family memoir Growing Up in the Orgone Box: Secrets of a Reichian Childhood, and the recently published UFO novel Mel-Khyor: An Interstellar Affair. I can also speak meaningfully about the 20 years I spent practicing Wicca and the nearly 10 years I worked as a reporter covering the Navajo Nation for daily newspapers in New Mexico. A 1960's survivor, I've attended peyote ceremonies and taken dozens of acid trips. I generally tend to write about things that have happened to me, even if I have to fictionalize them for legal or other reasons. It's been an interesting life, so far...
Born in New Jersey in 1951, grew up outside Philadelphia, moved to Florida in 1967, graduated from New College with a degree in communications, 1974. Worked in a variety of menial and professional jobs including dishwasher, busboy, construction worker, photo lab owner-operator, wilderness tour guide, public information officer, freelance wrtite/photographer. Officially retired in 2013 to devote myself full time to writing and publishing.