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Jenise Justice Brown
Your Pitch

Don reached out to me on LinkedIn and suggested I submit myself to you as a potential guest on your show. I am not sure what it is he saw that day however, I believe I speak from the voice of a woman that is not often heard and most often dismissed. As an African American woman ( with lots of Irish mixed in ) and identifying as bisexual, I offer a lot to dinner party conversations and panel discussions.  Additionally, I can bench press 100 lbs on my off days.


Jenise’s passion for uplifting others has been an amazing reawakening journey. As she says, “We are here to add value to each others lives, our experiences are not for us.” While pursuing her dreams after leaving corporate America Jenise had her own personal missteps amidst numerous victories. She vowed that when people came to her for advice, she would provide them with the tools, strategies, and insights honed by her experience.

“Leading Edge Love” has become the centerpiece for her many speeches, interviews and activism. In DownLow Sister OnTop, the first book of the Down Low series, Jenise shares valuable lessons, including:

  • How to Love: It’s a Choice not a Position
  • Authenticity: Conformist No More
  • Lying: How to Exist Undisturbed
  • Social Networking: Blending for Change
  • Power of Influence: Inspired Action not Motivation
  • Selfishness: A Cultivation of Self
  • Reclaiming Your Voice

Jenise’s ebook, “Ask the Bisexual: An Incomplete Guide to Identifying the African American Bisexual Woman” (also available in video format), debunks the stigma of bisexuality with intelligent commentary, sarcasm and wit. In it you discover:

  • Top 10 False Premises
  • What it Means to be Bisexual
  • Identifiable Traits: We Are More Alike Than Different
  • Implicit Bias: Subtle Contempt of the Unknown

Jenise is currently completing the lastest in the DownLow Series, starring in a new film and traveling the world inspring action and self preservation.