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Constance Wells MS PMP
Your Pitch


James Gilliland,

Good day and hope you are well.

I would like to book a guest(s) spot on your radio schedule. We are sponsoring a May 2018 Paranormal Supernatural Conference over a weekend. See our sites at:

We have seasoned cutting edge speakers, authors, investigators, researchers across subjects of paranormal phenomena - including Near Death Experiencer (NDE), UFOs, between life regression-ist, Controlled Remote Viewer, ET Abductee, CE-5 UFO caller, Energy-Sound Healer Tech., and other unexplained phenomena. The Conference supports awakening yourself first. This breaks many rules.

Below is a short list of speakers for you to choose from, and subjects. Please let me know which speaker(s) interest you and I will send you their bio and link to their Website:
• Lori Lambert-Williams, Founder and CEO, keynote speaker- An expert Controlled Remote Viewer (CRV), originally trained by the U.S. military-CIA psychic program. Learn that you too have what it takes to get accurate answers to any question you ask.
• Dr. Simeon Hein, PhD- A revolutionary author, lecturer, intuitive, and researcher who shares what science is disclosing about quantum fields, consciousness fractals, resonance, parallel universes, our subconscious, and if reality exists as we know it.
• Katie Griboski, STAR Team Investigator- An accomplished UFO & Extraterrestrial investigator who will show you more about how these fascinating areas continue to be real and affect us.
• James Schwartz of The Rocky Mountain Hypnotherapy Center- A Hypnotherapist who takes you to visit and experience your different planes of existence and helps you communicate directly with your guides and angels. The communications are your chance to ask and get the real answers as to why you have the life you have.
• David Stevens, MBA, Founder of Yoga of the Mind- A supercharged Master Intuitive who perceives how you can best navigate through today's unprecedented and historical disruptions to manifest the life you want.
• Dr. Gail Lynn, PhD, Founder Owner of Life Center- A consummate healer who applies the safe, tested, and mature technology of vibration, sound, and light waves to your cells consciousness to enable your body to rebalance and reset itself to health.
• Susan Noeske, A Visitor to Heaven- A shocking death experiencer who died as she bled-out during childbirth in the hospital. Then she ‘rose from the dead’ where today, she remains connected to the other dimensions and communicates with, and gains unique knowledge from, interdimensional beings, such as guides, angels, and others who inhabit the higher dimensions.
• Debbie Solaris, Galactic Historian, ET Contactee- An Extraterrestrial contact-abductee, Akashic Records reader, and brilliant intuitive, using information channeled from her Arcturian and Pleiadian guides to heal others.
• Ricky Butterfass, Senior CSETI Member and Disclosure Project Representative- An acclaimed Associate Producer of the film Sirius Disclosure and astonishing Close Encounters of the 5th kind (CE-5) CSETI expert, who explains how to proactively initiate UFO and ET contacts.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts about the speaker(s) you wish to host.
Thank you so much.

J.J. Conference Organizer
Paranormal Supernatural Conference
Denver, CO 80122
Skype: cjvanjames
Constance Wells, MS, PMP, CPD, ITIL
Denver, CO


Event organizer, Denver Near Death Studies, and owner of Paranormal Supernatural Conference Constance Wells declares that this May 2018 time-of-awakening corresponds with our springtime. This is the best time to blossom into new supernatural discoveries. “We usually have conferences that are siloed around various paranormal or supernatural phenomenon, not knowing that our human consciousness spans all of them and can definitely penetrate and traverse all of them to give us the whole picture about ourselves and our world.”  Psychics, CRVers, Between-life hypnotherapy regressionist, anomaly investigators, Extra-Terrestrials (ET) investigators all tell us this, in their own way. Energy healers and UFO CE-5 contactors demonstrate that our spirit energy inhabits the flesh then surges out of the body to a different dimension, rather, inter-dimensionally. Psychics, death experiencers, and mediums bridge these material and non-material dimensions. Moreover, ETs inhabit the inter-dimensions where our spirit can interact with them as well as with other beings who mostly seem to care deeply for us.