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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 15 March 2024

The John Ankerberg Show

The John Ankerberg Show
Dr. John Ankerberg

John Ankerberg Show is a weekly half-hour nationwide television program whose purpose is to demonstrate that Christianity is true so that our viewers will embrace it for themselves and learn to share it effectively with others. The formats of choice for this apologetics ministry are informal debates between representatives of differing belief systems, and documentary-styled presentations on major issues in society to which the historic Christian faith has something of consequence to say. The programs are designed to reach and appeal to a thinking audience of Christians and non-Christians alike.

Talk Show Program Archives

The John Ankerberg Show, June 7, 2024 God's Encouragement for Caregivers - Ep2
The John Ankerberg Show, June 6, 2024 Alien Spacecraft from Other Galaxies, UFOs, Alien Abductions - Ep2
The John Ankerberg Show, June 5, 2024 God's Encouragement for Caregivers - Ep 1
The John Ankerberg Show, June 4, 2024 Lee Strobel, what evidence shows the most astonishing miracles God has performed
The John Ankerberg Show, June 3, 2024 God's Help When You Suffer - Pt 3
The John Ankerberg Show, May 31, 2024 God Helps When You Suffer - Pt 2
The John Ankerberg Show, May 30, 2024 Lee Strobel, Yale University, Legal editor, atheist turned Christian, wrote 20 award winning books, astonishing miracles
The John Ankerberg Show, May 29, 2024 Accidental UFO Expert, UFOs and Alien Abductions - Ep1
The John Ankerberg Show, May 28, 2024 God's Help When You Suffer - Ep1
The John Ankerberg Show, May 27, 2024 What Are UFOs, Demystifying UFOs with Dr. Hugh Ross - Part 1
The John Ankerberg Show, May 24, 2024 Hope For The End Times Until The Whole World Hears - EPS6
The John Ankerberg Show, May 23, 2024 Guest, Lee Strobel, award winning legal editor of Chicago Tribune, atheist turned Christian
The John Ankerberg Show, May 22, 2024 Can We Trust The New Testament - Ep 1
The John Ankerberg Show, May 21, 2024 Christian Students leaving their faith behind, why is this happening
The John Ankerberg Show, May 20, 2024 The Evidence for Jesus Resurrection - part 4
The John Ankerberg Show, May 17, 2024 The Evidence of Jesus Resurrection - part 3
The John Ankerberg Show, May 16, 2024 Is the Holy Spirit a real entity, Why are students losing their faith
The John Ankerberg Show, May 15, 2024 The Evidence For Jesus Resurrection - Part 2
The John Ankerberg Show, May 14, 2024 Faith Not making sense to people anymore, the Son of the One True God, Reversing the trend of faithlessness
The John Ankerberg Show, May 13, 2024 Lee Strobel, Chicago Tribune legal editor, sought to prove Christianity False, Was Jesus the Son of God, Did Jesus rise
Dr. John Ankerberg
Other Websites:
Church Historian, Philosopher of Christian Thought and Master of Divinity, and Doctor of Ministry

Dr. Ankerberg is a graduate of the University of Illinois—Chicago, and holds three advanced degrees, including a Master of Arts in Church History and Philosophy of Christian Thought and Master of Divinity (with honors) from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Luther Rice Seminary. He has spoken at more than 78 American universities, numerous nationwide conferences, and worldwide at major events across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. He and his wife Darlene live in Chattanooga, Tennessee and have one grown daughter, Michelle.

The biggest turning point in John Ankerberg's life happened while he was still in high school. His family moved at that time, changing houses and also schools. A few weeks before school started, he was at a teen summer camp and heard a message asking 'will you be a witness for Christ?' He remembers sitting in an empty baseball diamond wrestling with God over this question, because he knew that for him that meant bringing his Bible with him to his new school and being vocal about his faith. It wasn't an easy decision, or one he made lightly, but Dr. Ankerberg says, "God won that fight... and that was a turning point, basically for my whole ministry." Bringing a Bible to school meant that kids asked questions, and those questions needed answers. His standard response was, "I don't know the answer to that, but let me find out and get back to you." These types of conversations with classmates prepared him for leading student ministries with his peers, then later doing college outreach, and speaking at evangelical crusades domestically and internationally.