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The Law of One and Global Community

The Path of Ascension for Humanity

In this show I discuss two recent compendiums 

of articles and videos regarding the link above

and also my compendium from a week ago at:

An Upgraded System is the Solution.

~ Christopher

Cosmic LOVE with Christopher Rudy

Discussing two articles:

Disclosure, Co-Creation and Ascension


Quantum Computing

Cosmic LOVE with Christopher Rudy

A Special Report On

The Israel Issue

Gathering the tribes of


as mass illusion disintegrates. 

This is the critical global issue that requires


Spirituality vs. Religion and Good vs. Evil

as the Whole Truth exposes the Big Lie.


Cosmic LOVE with Christopher Rudy

Highlights of the Week

Discussing these 4 articles

from this last week:

April 7, 2018


April 9, 2018


Message from Universe

I Am / We Are

April 11, 2018

The Best Way to Regulate Facebook

Universal Interface for Global Interaction;

The InnerNet Connection

Synopsis of THE EVENT this week

Saturday's show was St Patrick's Day,

and the 'Emerald Matrix of Truth' was

blazing for this Cosmic LOVE Show.

Note how the EVENT, here reported,

is clearing 'snakes' from the swamp

in Wash 'DC' (District of Criminals).

Big Love - Compendium of the Week

Think Pink


This has been a big week for BIG LOVE

with Valentine's Day, Thursday's eclipse

and the move of the Sun, Moon, Venus,

Mercury & Neptune into cosmic Pisces.
Cosmic LOVE with Christopher Rudy

Global Ascent from Chaos to Order

A timely 'Reality Report' on

decentralized global reset

with 'Open Systems'

Open Systems = Freedom:

Interactive with input & feedback


Closed Systems (Tyranny):

Non-interactive programming

with no feedback choice

Resolution of this conflict is now the

'New American Revolution', globally.

 Buckle up folks… and hold on to your hats!

 Get ready for some mind-blowing stuff that

may be both fascinating yet confounding.

 Much of the narrative in this show follows

from three recent compendiums with

   timely videos plus related articles:

Keep the Faith, See the Good,

and Make it So!

~ Christopher