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Cosmic LOVE with Christopher Rudy

Envisioning the Infrastructure Framework

for 'Authentic Intelligence' (5D AI) 

(click on words above for the compendium)


Shift Coordinates for Global rEVOLUTION

Summer Reading & Viewing Compendium

With 7 new videos plus much more

   There's something here for everyone.

 Scan the content to find something  

Flashpoint in the rEVOLUTION

Kind Men Unite Among Mankind - Here's How!

Cosmic LOVE Show References

Three recent compendiums

discussed in this show:


The rEVOLUTION We've Been Waiting For

Deception Correction for Disruption of Corruption

This is a mini-history of the global

evolution revolution revelations

shaping profound world change.

Cosmic LOVE with Christopher Rudy
Three Recent Compendiums

Discussed in This Show

Follow the show narrative of these articles,

pausing to watch videos or read links.

 Reality Report:

Urgent Alert - WWIII False Flag

Game Over:

Deep State Loses / High State Wins

A Vision for the Future of Humanity

Keep the Faith, See the Good

and Make it So!

Discussing timely videos

and articles of the week:

1- The Julian Assange arrest, and

     Joseph Campbell's 'hero myth'

    Assange is the archetype of

global press freedom

Full Disclosure from Deep to High State

Discussing the Compendium of the Week at:

High State Disclosure

We live at an amazing time of REVELATIONS.

Mankind is waking up fast... with 'side-effects'.

Deep State demise goes with High State rise.

Aquarian Revelations

Compendium with new videos, articles

and Cosmic LOVE Show podcast

Feb 4, 2019 / New Moon in Aquarius

This is the Spirit of Aquarius and

the subject of this compendium,

both opportunity and challenge.