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Discussing 3 compendiums on

the 2020 Presidential Election:

(Click or Tap on Title)

Global Reset to Heaven or Hell?

Nov 8, 2020

Trump Prevails with Sting Operation

Nov 6, 2020

Discussing two recent compendiums:

The East-West Power Struggle for

Domination of AI and the World

Oct 1, 2020 / Full Moon in Aries

The High State 5D Mandate and Deep State 5G Agenda

Propaganda Watch – Rigging the Election?

Oct 10, 2020

The Deep State Deception Corrupting Perception


Compendium of 11 Videos plus Articles

Here’s my new compendium with some

excellent videos and articles HERE.


Keep the Faith - See the Good

And Make it So!


2020s Global Co-Creation Series

August 29, 2020 /

Battle for the Soul of America

A Compendium on the Great Awakening

The Transformation to a ‘Global Village’;

the ALL-connected Family of Mankind

Global Crisis Challenges & Opportunity

The Aquarian Mandate – Prime Directive

The 8-8 Lion's Gate Portal

 The energetic high point of the Lion's Gate

Summer Soul Soaring

and Crisis Update

(Reality Report)

A new compendium with a guided meditation…

soaring over the world while taking inventory of

 the current events with global mass awakening.