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Cosmic LOVE with Christopher Rudy


Serious Issues - A Prayer Alert



for Global Holistic Healing

Cosmic LOVE with Christopher Rudy

Looking forward to 2019

- prescient predictions -

discussing new videos

From Closed Systems of the Deep State

To Open Systems of the High State

Podcast – on Ascension and The Alliance;

Narrative via show blog HERE

Ascension – Evolution of the High State;

   Full Disclosure of the Opportunity

Discussing three compendiums I’ve working on

the last two weeks:

The Existential Choice of Humanity

Education of the Heart, and

Awakening from the Matrix

Update on the Ascension Event

Greetings in the spirit of Cosmic LOVE.

Update on THE EVENT - two articles re:

2018 Upgrade is Going Physical


Compendium of the week with 9 videos at:

Here’s another ‘love sandwich’

- top and bottom 'LOVEbits' -

with serious food for thought.



    beyond deception via

   inspired perception

Civilization's Next Phase

Discussing my last two articles regarding

the next phase of planetary civilization.

‘Deep Insights’:

This 1st article was done at the Full Moon in Pisces.

The deep mystical energy of Pisces speaks to the

highest spiritual insights mankind can aspire to.

Every year about this time, many of us go on vacation and tune-out geopolitical chaos that seems to heat up in the summer. Well this year, it’s really hot with not only record-breaking wildfires in California, but also a flare-up of the infowar on the Internet with blatant censorship of many independent voices - like myself - who have been exposing corruption of the Deep State.

Eclipse Signs of the Times

Discussing the following articles:

Update on Up-Rising of the Alliance

Compendium of articles and videos at:

Three Parts: 

Transcending Deep State Depression;

High State Transforms the Deep State. 

Mindful Mediation of the Mass Media;