Angel Talk with Jim Young and Sandy Young
Title: The Power of Sacredness is Now
From 1991 - 1994 when word got around that I refused the liver transplant and the doctors said I was delirious, many said they were right. I was delirious. Its funny how people act when you have a life threatening disease like Hepatitis C, that has a stigma attached to it. The first thing people think is you must be a intravenous drug user. Religious people automatically said I was a sinner. Well, they were all wrong, because that is not what I learned from my Swiss Grandmother.
Because everyone was calling me delirious and said I was going to die, I decided they were wrong; I made up my mind that I was going to live, plain and simple. Matching to the beat of my own drum I made a point to study everything I could find about people who healed from degenerative diseases without drugs or surgery. In my research I found an enormous number of people like me that had to go on their own. None of them did the same thing. They all found different resources and diet to recover, but there were some common denominators in their daily routine.
What to do with bites, cuts, spines or stings? Any injury from a cut, bite or sting that causes unmanageability and immediate extreme stress should be brought to a doctor’s attention by calling 911. Many times minor cuts, bites or stings are not an emergency but they need attention and care. In my early years I was a life guard and took the first aid course offered by the Red Cross. Recently, I was at a friend’s house and saw that same green book from that same course years earlier and they let me borrow their book and study it.
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Clearing Out and Consciousness! Whether it's clearing out our bodies through illness or cleanse, clearing out our homes of physical clutter, or clearing our minds, our emotions, our finances... how does this help our experience of the field Unified Consciousness? Janet and Joan will explore this and other interesting things from Heart Centered Awareness!