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Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we are talking about the greatest habits in the world and why developing these habits is absolutely critical to our success and happiness.


Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we’re talking about love. From healing and transformative self-love, to relationships filled with hot and sacred love that lasts – we’ve got you covered!


Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we’re talking about wealth. Does it come from luck? Are people just born into it? Or, is wealth more about knowledge, planning, and taking the right actions in life?


Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we’re talking about promo bling and plants that sing!


My first guest, Teresa Helgeson, also known as the Plant Music Whisperer, shares the impact that plant music therapy has on the body, including strengthening the immune system and reducing physical and emotional stress.

Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we discuss how energy is everything… and it really is! Everything in the Universe is made up of particles and waves of energy that are vibrating at different frequencies.


Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we discuss following your gut, even when what it tells you doesn’t seem like the most logical course of action.


Special guest Mary Goulet joins us today to share how we can stop listening to our egos and our hearts, and instead hear our gut’s knowingness, which she describes as the visceral voice of our soul.


Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we discuss avoiding desperation and unhappy moments in life and in retirement. We talk about the suicides of famous clothing designer, Kate Spade, and chef and TV personality, Anthony Bourdain. We also address the significant portion of the population that feels desperate about their financial circumstances – especially when it comes to inadequate planning for retirement.


Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads out there! Today we are talking about dads and the rewarding journey of fatherhood.


Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we discuss the mystery of male/female relationships and how we can better connect with one another.


Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we are going to change it up by having a panel of men discussing male sexuality and some of the pitfalls that many men these days are falling into as a result of changing times.