Sound Healing with David Gibson
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Study the effects of sound on the body, psyche & spirit LIVE with the Founder and Director of Globe Sound Healing Institute. Using the Voice for Sound Healing, Inner Sound Awareness & Transformation of matter and consciousness, and to connect to Spirit.
The radio shows on this site will explore the full range of techniques and technologies used in the field of Sound Healing. Although the field is commonly called Sound Healing, it is also about maintaining health, raising consciousness and connecting to spirit. The show is a sound combination of discussion and experience including the following topics: Toning, Chanting and Overtone Singing - Root Frequency Entrainment - Sound to Improve Learning -Disabilities - Using Sound to Connect to Spirit - Tuning Fork Treatments - Voice Analysis Technologies - Chakra Balancing - Sound to Induce Desired States of Being - Tibetan/Crystal Bowl Massage - Electronic Nerve Stimulation - Water Sound Infusion Systems - Sound Visualization systems - Infratonics Holographic Sound - Scalar wave EESystem Drumming and Rhythm - HydroAcoustic Therapy - Neurophone Bio-Tuning - Sound Surgery - Cymatics Frequency based therapeutic devices - VibroAcoustic Sound Chairs and Tables
Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting
Sound Healing, March 30, 2024 | Upcoming Conference on April 26th - 28th, Sound Baths and Presenters |
Sound Healing, March 16, 2024 | Great Sound Baths, Sound Concerts |
Sound Healing, March 2, 2024 | Sound Healing Music Productions, Audio Recording, Mixing and what Music lights people up |
Sound Healing, February 17, 2024 | The tambors, sounds, tonalities, consonants, vowels and syllables of love |
Sound Healing, February 3, 2024 | Transforming Negative Beliefs |
Sound Healing, January 20, 2024 | A review of the book, Sound Relationships by David Gibson |
Sound Healing, January 6, 2024 | All the ways to use Sound and Vibration to Heal Every Issue and Get High |
Sound Healing, December 23, 2023 | Creating a new educational system for kids in this world. |
Sound Healing, December 9, 2023 | How To Create a New Medical System With Sound |
Sound Healing, November 25, 2023 | Gratitude, all the things we can be grateful for, both good and bad |
Sound Healing, November 11, 2023 | Healing every disease in the world with sound and vibration |
Sound Healing, October 28, 2023 | Sound Baths from the conference coming up Nov 8-12 - blissing out |
Sound Healing, October 14, 2023 | Sound Baths, coming Conference, Getting High on Sound Baths |
Sound Healing, September 30, 2023 | Concert Pitch, Cymatics and Frequencies, 440 vs 432, Tuning to Higher or Lower Frequencies and Pitches |
Sound Healing, September 16, 2023 | Archetypal Frequencies for all different issues, pure frequencies to portal and dimension travel |
Sound Healing, September 2, 2023 | Nature, communing with Nature, communing with Animals. Flow Systems we are apart of! |
Sound Healing, August 19, 2023 | The Sound of Love, Notes, Frequencies, Pitches, Sounds, Musical Intervals, of Love |
Sound Healing, July 22, 2023 | Sound of Nature, intention; we reconnect to the sound of nature to heal and support us |
Sound Healing, July 8, 2023 | The Sounds of Chakras, frequencies and notes |
Sound Healing, June 24, 2023 | Doing a Chakra Treatment and finding the secrets and notes yourself, becoming anxiety free |
As the Director of the only Institute in the Nation that offers an approved Associates Degree in Sound Healing, and co-creator of the World Sound Healing Conference, David Gibson has developed a unique perspective on everything going on in the field. David began as a Professional Recording Engineer. He has been teaching, engineering and producing groups in major studios since 1982. He has been studying esoteric systems of sound healing for over 15 years and has an in-depth understanding of the underlying physics of sound. David is also the author of the best selling book, "The Art of Mixing" that uses visuals to explain and show every style of mix in the world, which makes complex structures of mixes easily understandable. His second book, "The Art of Producing," uses the visual framework for displaying sounds to explain Music Theory. Gibson is also the inventor of the Patented, "Virtual Mixer," which uses 3D visuals of the mix to control mixing consoles and computerized mixers. He is currently working on a Virtual Reality system where you can step into an image of your own body and be able to place visuals inside the body in 3D. The visuals will then move sounds up and down in a Sound Table so you feel the sounds inside the body exactly where you are seeing the visuals. David Gibson is the Founder and Director of Globe Institute.